New Addition to the ‘Grok “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame: “Not One of My Better Moments”

by Skip

We’ve been waiting a while on some paperwork outlining the EXACT disposition of this case but, like the trial, it has been delayed. Thus, not wanting to delay “closure” any more, here is the end result: Guilty Plea by one James Babcock.

The hearing was back on December 8, 2019 and I was allowed, as a member of the deplorable press, to watch the Zoom hearing. The Sign Stealer was late for his own hearing and did not allow his face to appear on screen – audio-only.

He was asked by the Judge if he understood his Rights in this judicial hearing to which the answer was yes, and no, no trial by jury but by Judge. He gave up all those rights and had no questions. Babcock’s response was that he had already had “too much time to think about this” and it was clear this 68 year old man, with (IMHO) anger management issues, just wanted to get it over.

End result: a $250 fine (out of a possible $1,000 one) and a $60 penalty added to it.

I’m waiting on Norm for when he gets the official papers (as plaintiff) back from the court because there is still one issue outstanding:

Did he lose / give up his Right to vote in NH?

The relevant RSA is below:



[Art.] 11. [Elections and Elective Franchises.] All elections are to be free, and every inhabitant of the state of l8 years of age and upwards shall have an equal right to vote in any election. Every person shall be considered an inhabitant for the purposes of voting in the town, ward, or unincorporated place where he has his domicile. No person shall have the right to vote under the constitution of this state who has been convicted of treason, bribery or any willful violation of the election laws of this state or of the United States; but the supreme court may, on notice to the attorney general, restore the privilege to vote to any person who may have forfeited it by conviction of such offenses. The general court…

And yes, sign stealing is a violation of election law.

Hopefully when the Court gets the time, that paper work will passed along to me as well. In the mean time, Justice has been served (albeit rather slowly) and he’s now been convicted.

However, as Campaign Sign Stealer Jim Babcock Shouldn’t Drive Angry alludes to, he still hasn’t quite learned his lesson as he has behaved badly since then to the point where complaints have again been brought against him (like trying to run someone off the road as they were merely jogging alongside it – a couple of times) as well as harassing an elderly woman as he drove by her house.

There may be more to come but for now, I’m putting this saga to bed UNLESS that paperwork comes through and it is clear that he’s lost his Right to Vote.

Thanks for reading!

The Chronicles of Babcock:


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