Trump Directs FDA to Approve Chloroquine for Treatment of Chinese Flu

German Measles, Spanish Flu, MERS, and now Chinese Flu. Is catching it a form of cultural appropriation? Finding treatments and cures as well? Like that malaria medicine, I wrote about a few days ago. It’s being fast-tracked to treat Coronavirus patients.

Related: Chloroquine – Is an “effective antiviral therapeutic treatment against Coronavirus”

But it’s not just Chloroquine. The Trump Administration is trying to carve paths through the bureaucracy to facilitate the fastest possible response. When he says nothing will stand in our way especially the leviathan government.

“Today I want to share with you exciting progress that the FDA is making with the private sector as we slash red tape like nobody has ever done it before,” he said. “I’ve directed the FDA to eliminate outdated rules and bureaucracy so this work can proceed rapidly, quickly—and, I mean, fast. And we have to remove every barrier.”

The FDA is committed to providing regulatory flexibility and guidance during this crisis, while fulfilling its duty to ensure product safety and effectiveness, FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said during today’s briefing.

As a result, obstacles are being cleared for American patients with incredible speed. That includes not only the race to develop a vaccine, but progress in making antiviral therapies widely available. Clinical trials for therapies to fight the Coronavirus are already underway, as well.

Chloroquine has already proven to be a successful medication in reducing symptoms and speeding recovery

“US CDC research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed.  Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions.”

CDC’s issue was guidance on dosage. FDA’s is approval for alternate therapy. Or, maybe I have those reversed. Drugs created for specific treatment are often used for others, but the government likes to have a say in approving that use.

We know chloroquine has been used in South Korea and China so the point should be moot. Short of adequate supply, domestic production or delivery, I’m not sure what if any other problems may exist. Rather than appeasing bureaucrats and the Trump Administration, led by VP Mike Pence, is pushing and pulling every department and resource to get over through or around them.

Update: [Boston Herald] Chloroquine is already being used in Boston Hospital

And isn’t that the biggest problem? 

Bureaucrats love their bureaucracy. It keeps them gainfully employed (at our expense) busily pushing papers and pencils (real or virtual). They have a natural resistance to part-time temps in elected office shortening the steeplechase they’ve erected to subvert their process.

Mr. Trump ran on draining the swamp. He has worked to roll back regulations. And while this is one of the least desirable paths to advance that end, as the left likes to say, never let a crisis go to waste. By that, they mean, use every opportunity to expand the state. It would be ironic if Mr. Trump could find a way to use one to do the opposite.

The passage of coronaporkulusstimulusauraus doesn’t suggest that outcome. Perhaps I’m mistaken.

Maybe we are penetrating the bureaucracy.

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