When people throw around the term Deep State it is instantly polarizing. Two camps emerge — in one, there are those who really don’t pay too much attention to politics or the actual functions of the state: defending the country, upholding a free and fair market, and managing the government’s day-to-day bureaucracy however large or small.
These people tend to have no real understanding of the capabilities and duties of the government, the scope of modern technology, or even how a contemporary republic is structured. Typically, those with little or no knowledge of the state look down upon those who claim there is a Deep State as conspiracy theorists or kooks.
Yet a larger and larger portion of the population that in some respects has polled as a majority is aware that Washington DC has become a city where the population is invested heavily in a certain style of federal governance. This style is tyrannical, self-serving, authoritarian, and disconnected from the rest of the country.
There are people in DC who have worked their entire lives in the federal government and have an extremely biased understanding of power, governance, and how the USA should be run. They are easy to control with the right sort of information technology, and the USA’s adversaries have developed this technology.
We want to thank Kensley Vitoria for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
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It is being used against us.
This is what is referred to by a plurality in the USA as the Deep State. Unelected and entrenched, yet holding positions that could go to anyone in the country, realistically.
In a well-functioning and healthy democracy, the offices of the federal bureaucracy must be staffed with new people frequently, as often as presidential administrations turn over. It is not healthy to have a state functioning on policies that have been in place for decades and may be outdated. When federal institutions develop silos of thought, it is detrimental to democracy as a whole.
Rather than doing their job, these people begin to act in their own individual interest, or even more dangerously in their collective interest as a federally partisan group.
No democracy thrives with an overbearing or partisan federal government. Any healthy democracy, whether the structure of the government is republican, anarchic, or authoritarian, must have high citizen participation through frequent turnover in the federal workforce.
Entrenched interests must be avoided and ferreted out at all costs.
The healthiest democracies do not encourage citizens to hold lifelong positions in a government-employed role. Rather, citizens should be encouraged to work in the real economy, to learn how to work entrepreneurially, and potentially to allow those with sufficient leadership skills to develop those skills and work as executives and directors in business. The more citizens who hold such high-level employment experience, the stronger the entire country.
That is why the federal workforce must be cleaned out.
Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign to drain the swamp, so to speak, was a good start. His tenure as president revealed the swamp for who they are — a collection of career politicians infesting the federal workforce and purporting to represent the Democrat party with nefarious and frankly un-American ideologies.
Now the work to be done is to root them out and banish them from political positions. They have earned plenty from the state, maybe too much. And they have done enough damage. Let’s rid the federal workforce of them and bring in new citizens to reawaken democracy.