
Do We Have a Govt That Respects What We Can Afford?

I am reminded of my question to Bruce Curry, “Whose money is it FIRST?” Put another way, “Who has the first claim on the money in my wallet”? Curry was an uber-progressive who frequented GraniteGrok for many years, but that was a question he would never answer. He was clear that what funding the Government … Read more

Information War

Notable Quote: Bruce Currie hates it when things are “Voluntary”.

The political principle that underlies the market mechanism is unanimity. In an ideal free market resting on private property, no individual can coerce any other, all cooperation is voluntary, all parties to such cooperation benefit or they need not participate…. The political principle that underlies the political mechanism is conformity. The individual must serve a … Read more

Berch Pic from Facebook rant

Promoted From Comments – “Cowardice”!

One really stupid rant deserves a snippy, snarky, and pointed one back. Steve covered the COVID-19 version of Bruce Currie (who believes a plainly stated question never deserves a straight answer and loves going off on tangents as much as NH State Rep Timmy Horrigan used to before I banned him).

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Progressives erasing history5

Seems apt today….

Bruce Currie, former Government School teacher, approves of erasing history and substituting Communist ideology instead. After all, being a Bernie-Bro AND all of his comments over the years here at GraniteGrok pretty much backs up that assertion. Whereas, the rest of us want our history on display – especially the Civil War era as it … Read more

Notable Quote – Richard Wagner

A word to Bruce Currie, a frequent liberal commenter here at the ‘Grok whokeeps on insisting that a marketplace can ONLY exist with Government overseeing and regulating it. So, how is it possible for democracy to conflict with liberty? Democracy is a scheme for governing human interaction. But so is liberty, which is a system … Read more

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