Promoted from the Comments: Bruce Currie – On Abortion; willingly lie to slander Conservatives and make political points


I think that anyone that has read GraniteGrok on even a semi-regular basis knows that I’m against abortion. A word that sums up what really is an anthema: the killing of innocent babies in the womb either by chemical reactions or tearing them limb from limb. And then crow about the bastardization and redefinition of “Freedom” strictly in terms of the mother and father that basically threw away that new Life.

But Bruce, along with many on the Left that willing advocate for the death of those babies (and that isn’t a talking point – that the actual and indisputable intent of an abortion) that we on the Right ONLY care about that baby until it is born. The intent there is to continue to demonize Conservatives in return – but on baseless grounds. Bruce, along with the other Berni-Bros, Socialists, most Democrats, and other assorted Leftists, keep trying to shift the blame from their real actions and lie about Conservatives motives.

On Ed Naile’s Jeanne Shaheen’s Hot Take on Afghanistan post about Jeanne Shaheen and womens’ Rights. At some point, as you would have guessed, the subject was turned to abortion and once again, Bruce tries to whitewash the Left’s stance on it and tries to take a slap at the Right for being against killing babies by unequivocally stating that after the birth of a baby, the Right no longer cares:

Abortion is a medical procedure that in an ideal world would be safe, legal, and rare. As 1/3 of the nation has become the new precariat, the Right’s war on family planning under the self-serving banner of “personal responsibility” gives a perversely ironic meaning to the phrase “deserving poor”.

And to save you time, precariat is defined:

In sociology and economics, the precariat (/prɪˈkɛəriət/) is a neologism for a social class formed by people suffering from precarity, which means existing without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare. The term is a portmanteau merging precarious with proletariat.

No one here should be surprised at Bruce’s deconstruction of “personal responsibility” – the New Left totally rejects it in all stances other than a total responsibility to The State and It’s Purposes. As Mussolini stated: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state”.  And if abortion is a function of the state and has been deemed to be for its “common good”, those that disagreed are to be shadowbanned by one means or another.

Which he just did, above. I was not about to let his use of the Left’s euphemism of “Family Planning” hide what is actually happening. While I am to the point of being a dyed in the wool anti-abortionist (a FAR more important stance than the fad of being a Kendi “antiracist” which is nothing more than a self-serving sophistry in order to ride that racket), reader know that I am also an “anti-redefinitionist” and pushing back on the Left’s redefining our common language. “Family Planning” is the overarching term of “hey, you literally screwed up so kill the baby”. So I let him know that:

Right’s war on family planning

No, it’s about not killing babies. The responsibility came at the time of deciding to engage in an act that would create that new life – separate from both the mother and dad but nurtured by the mother.

And Bruce decided to double down AND take a shot at we who are people of Faith (a tact oft taken by the Left – see Mussolini’s quote above: NOTHING before the State, including God:

No. Your stance is all about mandatory motherhood, regardless of a woman’s economic status. Perhaps because your brand of Christianity believes that women best adhere to biblical “injunctions” when they are barefoot and pregnant.

Not, again, the redefinition of “mandatory motherhood” – no, Bruce, that will not stand here. But again, note the total rejection that personal responsibility that two people made that life should be living up to.  But look at the “hook” he puts in – “woman’s economic status”. Really, Bruce, is personal responsibility for one’s actions actually tied to someone’s socioeconomic status? Funny, I place that into someone’s character as in the “content thereof”. So I plagiarized from the Left a bit:

Talking point from the Left.

ALL Babies’ lives matter – but not to the Left.

And then he decided to bring the Left’s philosophy to the fore in stating something that isn’t true. Funny (yep, my word for the day), we tell the truth – and the Left just makes crap up to make their political points. Just like former US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid when confronted with the lie he spread from the Senate Well (where he couldn’t be brought to court for that lying)  about Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney (That Mittens hadn’t paid taxes for 10 years), he simply stated:

“Romney didn’t win did he?”

And just like that and in like manner, Currie is lying here and I let him know it:

No. Your concern is for “babies “ from conception until birth. After that, they’re on their own. Because “personal responsibility”. The real left wants family leave and child care policies that benefit families, along with single payer universal health care. So do a majority of Americans. But “we can’t afford” what every other advanced nation has, because we must adhere to a philosophy that says greed, profit, and markets are the best and only way to organize society—despite all evidence to the contrary. And because we maintain a $trillion dollar war machine that squanders money and resources and wastes lives—and accomplishes nothing except increase human misery across the planet while enriching those who profit from war.

It’s all about we on the Right being selfish, being cold-hearted, and being impersonal. What he really is stating that we are awful people because we won’t let Government (e.g., The State, The Government, The Collective) do the work. He refuses to believe that individuals DO care about these innocents and perpetuates the lie that we all turn our backs on these babies.  He perpetuates that the private sector doesn’t care about anyone and or anything (even as it generated the taxes that supported him during his career as a Government teacher).

Typical Socialist talking points – except that they really believe them. You’d would have thought that for the time that he’s spent here that Bruce would have figured out an INKLING of what drives us. Sadly, not even a drop the size of the WuFlu has gotten through. And that I’ve been writing about the exact opposite for over the last five and half years – right in his face (reformatted, emphasis mine here):

My wife and I adopted such a “baby”. You see, given that I’ve blogged about personal responsibility for years and that families and friends should ALWAYS be the First Responders (instead of an overreaching Government), we practiced what I “preach“.

It was not about “greed, profit, and markets” but all about compassion, willingness to help, kindness, and a willingness to serve one of the most vulnerable amongst us. Born 2 months premature at 3lbs 11 oz, he had spent 3 weeks in NICU before he could be released. With opiates and alcohol in his bloodstream, in fetal distress at birth, he came home with highest warnings for failure to thrive, failure to attach, and high risk of SIDs.

Yet again, the stereotypes from the Left and the willingness to paint everyone that ISN’T a Socialist as evil comes to the fore from Bernie-Bro Bruce.

And no, I’m not the exception to the Rule – there are THOUSANDS of us just here in NH that have done exactly what TMEW and I did – we just don’t brag about it – we just DO it.

The real left wants family leave and child care policies that benefit families, along with single payer universal health care.

No, its just a Selfish demand that Government should forcibly take money from some to give to others simply to 1) expand govt instead of leaving us alone and 2) make yourselves feel good by controlling others behaviors and making them do what they otherwise would refuse to do.

You IGNORE (actually and worse, totally dismiss) those of us that believe that abortion is murder. That’s EVIL.

The Left is always yammering that such decisions should be left between a doctor and a mother-to-be. If true, why is it that you force us to be a part of it.

Why don’t you do the RIGHT thing, if you are so convinced that it is, to form a non-profit and get donations from those that believe as you do? Or is that too HARD for you to do, Bruce?

Or, and I think it is more correct, your side LOVES to force the rest of us to do what we believe is evil? That I have seen confirmed in the past.

And I note, the Left hates the idea of “personal responsibility”. After all, there is no “personal” in the Collective.

The Common Good, the Collective, does not want personal initiative. It’s doesn’t want Charity to play a role (just ask Bernie Sanders) in anything – they do believe that ONLY Government can do “Good Works” at scale (and ignore that it was the rich that created many of the institutions that performed good works outside of government. Bruce and his kin don’t believe that individuals can take care of needs – he obviously denies what de Tocqueville wrote about – that he was amazed that individual citizens recognized that when there was a need, they’d clump together voluntarily, get the need filled, and walk away.

Until the next need appears. And yes, they expected those they helped to be responsible as well. Again, something that, in this issue, Bruce cares not a whit.

Life is not without risk – and what Bruce wants is a large entity that will mitigate much of Life’s risks but NEVER responds to my challenge about it. He went on and on about “predatory Capitalism” and refuses to talk about the responsibility of Caveat Emptor – Buyer Beware. If you buy stupidly, know that you may well be handled stupidly. Being anti-Producers, the Bruces of the world always blame the other Party in voluntarily transactions and the not buyers.

But note that he never answered my challenge of Predatory Government – and if it is large and uncaring enough to force people to do what they believe to be evil and immoral in killing innocent babies in the womb, that is a great (but evil) definition of it.

Note that in all this, the idea that HIS side would step up, form the non-profits and do the necessary money raising, and take care of those babies in the loving and nurturing manner they need, never appears.

Instead, ignoring that the Right IS standing up and doing what he accuses us of NOT doing, he can’t point to a single entity on the Left that is doing the same thing.

Sidenote: SB143 has now been passed into Law. This was the attempt to restart the GrandParents Study Commission that will look into the situations, like TMEW and I, and recommend what the State of NH Legislators could be doing for Grandparents that have stepped up to the plate and deciding to care for these innocents as their parents, for one reason or another including death, are unable to care for these children. EXACTLY what I said happens by the THOUSANDS here in NH – and Bruce denies.

I was the liaison from the Department of Education to this Commission when COVID stopped our meetings – Commissioner Edleblut is reappointing me to it again. Having worked through this system with/for the Grandson, I will be continuing to point out what Government should NOT be doing, how getting out of the way and reducing cumbersome (and sometimes, idotic) laws and regulations will make life easier and more straight forward for these elders to take care of those now in their care.

So Bruce, tell me again that Conservatives don’t care?  And go read “Who really cares” by Dr. Arthur Brooks who did the real first study of “who cares more?”. Go ahead, Bruce, tell me what this self-proclaimed Liberal Professor actually discovered.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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