This election is about western civilization.

Happy It’s An Election Year?

Happy New Year; are you happy it’s an election year? The Democrats have saddled themselves with an impeachment. Saddled fits because of its extremely partisan nature. It was from inception born of hate and lies. The Democrat primary debates, sans American flags, are still going on. Their audience is the most limited in history.

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Remember the “Summer of Recovery?” Trump Finally Delivered

Weekend with Bernie By Richard RamirezRemember the ‘Summer of Recovery?’ It became an annual “festival” celebrated by the media, and the left each and every season after the elevation of his majestic almighty greatness Obama I. Every summer henceforth shall be named recovery summer. We should have coined a catchy mysterious tagline like “Summer is coming.” But recovery summer never came.

Then we elected Donald Trump, and it finally arrived and in record fashion.

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Dr. Darrell Scott: Donald Trump is the “Most Pro-Black President We’ve Had in Our Lifetime”

Trump is most pro black president in a lifetime

You probably didn’t hear about this from the corporate media. It’s Dr. Darrell Scott, remarking on how he believes that President Trump has been very proactive about helping the urban community and that he may be the most pro-black president in our lifetime.

Mr. Trump has undoubtedly done more for black employment than any previous president “in our lifetime.”

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Bet You Didn’t Know – Black Unemployment Hit a Record Low In May

we're hiring jobs employmentLast Month, in April of 2018, the unemployment rate for black Americans hit a record low. You probably didn’t know that for the same reason you didn’t know this.

Black unemployment fell precipitously to 5.9 percent after a record-setting low of 6.6 percent the previous month, while unemployment for white workers dropped from 3.6 to 3.5 percent.

Overall unemployment, according to the Department of labor, dropped to 3.8%, the lowest it’s been since Y2K.

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