Dem Campaign Ad Tries to Pass Off Left-Wing Lawyer-Activist as Blue Collar Mechanic

New Hampshire Congresscrat Chris Pappas is the first Member of that body to kill someone with their Restaurant (of which I am aware). He’s also gay or something as if that makes you better at anything but being gay. Oh, and he has a deceptive campaign ad (surprise!).

Pappas’s first ad of the 2022 circus tries to paint the wealthy liberal Congress member as an everyday guy among everyday guys, except that he doesn’t appear to know any, which is odd because he owns a restaurant. In the ad, there is arugged guy rolling up the door at the auto repair shop in the first few seconds of the ad. He looks out at the city, ready for another day of honest labor and hard work in the shop.”


Now, take another look at him. That is actually Alan Raff, a white-collar attorney who works in a Concord law office and is chairman of the Manchester Democrats. He formerly worked in the offices of the New Hampshire Senate as a Democratic staffer.


“Running a small business is hard work. There are early mornings and late nights.” So let’s vote to send hundreds of billions to Ukraine and hundreds of billions more on failed green energy projects that will make running that business more expensive. Oh, and 87,000 more IRS agents.

As previously reported here, Pappas votes for whatever Joe Biden supports 100 percent of the time. Anyone who doesn’t have their head shoved up Joe’s ideological ass knows this is responsible for the worst economy in most of our lifetimes, record high prices, shortages, attacks on individual liberty, constitutional rights, misery, and malaise.

I’m not sure what’s more embarrassing, Pappas trying to pass off a lawyer as Joe six-pack or the way members of his party will nod and wipe a tear from their eye when they see the ad and are convinced Chris Pappas is a champion of the little guy.

If that were true, shouldn’t they have hired one for the ad?

Oh, one more point. Mr. Pappas – in the same ad – says he’s taking on the Pharmaceutical companies. I think that means letting the US government hand billions more to Pfizer for Paxlovid, which the FDA’s data shows is less effective than inexpensive OTC vitamins like Querciten that people who need it could buy themselves for a few bucks.

It’s all an act of fraud. This commercial is just more of the same.



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