Christmas Manger Star Geralt Pixabay Christmas-savior-birth-2874137 FI

Knowing the Christ of Christmas

Christmas is undoubtedly the most recognized and celebrated holiday around the world, and the owner of its namesake easily the most known human in all of history, and for good reason.  No human being has ever had the impact of Jesus Christ – alive or dead or resurrected.

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In the Church-of-Pete, Infanticide is Biblically OK

This: This is barbaric. When a baby is born, he or she is still connected to the umbilical cord and receives oxygen-rich blood from the placenta for a few minutes. Sometimes the baby needs assistance or stimulation to begin breathing on his or her own. (It’s not done anymore, but recall the doctor spanking the … Read more

GrokTalk! Microphone

GT V3 E002 – Boris, Brexit, Budgets, Bibles, and Bidens

This week we talk about the Republican primary challenge to Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen. Mike Pence and the Manchester VA. The NH Budget and Education spending. We have some insight into some amusing first in the nation primary news. And we’ve got one of the best explanations of Boris, Brit and EU Brexit politics you … Read more

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