Woke Churches: Forget About “Our Father” – We’re Going With “The Sparkle Creed”!

by Skip
As a theological summary: “I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

“On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic [universal] church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN.”
The most important command that we are given as the followers of Christ after the Great Commission is this:
Mark 12:30: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

It is no secret that the Christian church in the US and much of Europe have abandoned that command as it has decided to please Mammon (common and present Culture) rather than God. Many of the US Mainline Christian denominations have forsaken their Biblical roots and have moved and have gone Woke by supplanting the core of that Creed at the top.

Instead of worshipping God and bringing others to salvation by Christ, they have displaced all that with the current narratives of the Left’s Progressive cult with all of its attendant sacraments, altar, icons, and hymns; the God of Moses and Abraham, like what Progressives have done to most of our history, have faded into the mists of time as “we are our own gods” even if wrapped into forms of traditional Christianity.

Compare the creed above to this ersatz one (the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing) that is now making the rounds in those churches that have turned – The Sparkle Creed:


Sparkle Creed

The Rainbow colors (and, I doubt, included to celebrate God’s promise never to flood the Earth again). The inclusion of the High Woke Church Sexuality statement, that passed over His Deity and the way to salvation, the heresy that Jesus is the Son of God, again a reduction to sexuality, and yes, adherents do need His help for their unbelief – but it is my opinion, not quite the way they may need.

They now kneel to Culture and themselves instead of to the one true God they say they worship.

Sidenote: Apparently Reverend Rachel Small Stokes has removed this from her Facebook from 2021. But her Twitter account has it with additional commentary:

And for the smaller font by Rev. Rachel Small-Stokes:

Backstory: I was voice-to-texting “the Apostle’s creed” to a colleague, and it translated as “The Sparkle Creed.” I decided that’s exactly what we needed for Pride Month. So here’s my first jab at it. Free free to share it if it moves you.

But why should we who hold to traditional Christian beliefs be surprised? John, in Revelations Chapters 2 & 3, warned that this would happen and that there would be repercussions:

2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

3: 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.

At least the church is open about it:

Edina Community Lutheran Church (ECLC) is a progressive Lutheran congregation that has been striving for over 70 years to live out Jesus’ radical message of love and to make a difference in our world. We welcome all people without exception, and reach out to our community with serving hands and voices raised for justice. ECLC has long been sought out for our meaningful worship, inclusive welcome and challenging opportunities for learning and mission – a leader in shaping conversations of justice. We are called to extend that welcome further by making room for those who are not yet here.

Progressive – that should be an immediate tip off that traditional mores and beliefs are verboten. Sorry, by moving to Christian heterodoxy, you have abandoned traditional purpose of the worship of the Most Holy and the purpose by which His Son was sent – if you notice, not a single iota of sin, of grace, of salvation, of holiness??

And this next part makes them as just as silly as Ben & Jerry’s virtue-signaling but they never will do what they say they are guilty of:

We acknowledge that Edina Community Lutheran Church is located on the traditional, ancestral and contemporary lands of the Dakhóta Oyáte*, the Dakota nation. Treaties developed through exploitation and violence were broken. Tribes were forced to exist on ever smaller amounts of land.

Acknowledging this painful history, we as a congregation confess our complicity in the theft of Native land and acknowledge that we have not yet honored our treaties. We further confess that Christians and Christian churches have benefited from this land theft. We commit to being active advocates for justice for Native People and to truth telling that leads to healing.

“Actively” means putting your hands in your pockets and fork over the keys to the church doors. Doing nothing but moving your lips and tapping your keyboards are meaningless – dare I say “lying” by means of saying one thing but doing another (er, nothing).

And speak for yourself, palefaces and poseurs: I have no part in any theft so I do not feel guilty in the list as you have confused with “theft” and “conquest”.

I bet I could come with a bunch of friends and “conquer” your property – will it be right if I tell you that I’ll immediately turn it over to the nearest tribe?

(HT: The Blaze, Hot Air, and Hot Air again)

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