Sun King Sununu

I was Just Think’n

I am no political expert but didn’t RINO Sununu have 9 people of the type of activists who won huge victories all over the country for Republicans yesterday ARRESTED for saying the Pledge of Allegiance too loud at an executive Council meeting?

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Data Point – almost 2/3rds of Federal arrests are from this one demographic

by Skip

Non-citizens made up 64% of ALL federal arrests last year, report finds Despite making up only seven percent of the U.S. population, non-U.S. citizens accounted for almost two-thirds (64 percent) of all federal arrests last year, according to newly released government numbers. The statistics are part of a report issued Thursday by the Bureau of  Justice … Read more


70% Of All Arrests in Durham, NH in 2018 Were UNH Students

Here’s a neat little factoid. According to the Union Leader, “of the people taken into custody (In Durham NH), 675 of the 968 identifiable parties arrested by police in 2018 were enrolled in classes at the university.” That’s almost 70% of all arrests? Have the budget boosters who pimp the fiscal benefits of taxpayer bailouts to … Read more

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