Data Point – almost 2/3rds of Federal arrests are from this one demographic

by Skip

Non-citizens made up 64% of ALL federal arrests last year, report finds

Despite making up only seven percent of the U.S. population, non-U.S. citizens accounted for almost two-thirds (64 percent) of all federal arrests last year, according to newly released government numbers. The statistics are part of a report issued Thursday by the Bureau of  Justice Statistics titled “Immigration, Citizenship, and the Federal Justice System, 1998-2018.”

In 1998, 63% of all federal arrests were of U.S. citizens,” the report explains. “In 2018, 64% of all federal arrests were of non-U.S. citizens.” The report explains during the 20-year time frame, arrests of non-citizens “more than tripled” while citizen arrests rose 10 percent.

More interesting stats, especially on the Southern Border, at the link.

(H/T: Conservative Review)

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