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Just STOP IT! And Throw Them Out!

Well, it seems that our legend in his own mind president picked a real peach of a Secretary of Homeland Security. Sure, this same legend has picked some other real peaches (Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, blah, blah, blah) but this guy couldn’t maintain his own security if going into a gender-neutral restroom.

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The Actual Number of America-First GOP Reps in Congress

So the House GOP Caucus recently took a vote on whether to remove Liz Cheney from GOP “leadership” for supporting the House Democrats’ impeachment of Donald Trump based on the false narrative that Trump called upon his followers to carry out a coup on his behalf. Less than a third of the GOP Reps supported … Read more

The Company the Brothers Koch Keep …

From the BOSTON GLOBE: In one of the most remarkable partnerships in modern American political history, Soros and Charles Koch, the more active of the two brothers, are joining to finance a new foreign-policy think tank in Washington. It will promote an approach to the world based on diplomacy and restraint rather than threats, sanctions, … Read more

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