So the House GOP Caucus recently took a vote on whether to remove Liz Cheney from GOP “leadership” for supporting the House Democrats’ impeachment of Donald Trump based on the false narrative that Trump called upon his followers to carry out a coup on his behalf. Less than a third of the GOP Reps supported removing Cheney:
This vote was a slap in the face to all the voters who supported Trump’s America-First agenda. But don’t take my word for it. The Wyoming GOP just voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney, the State’s sole representative in Congress:
The election in 2022 needs to be about replacing the 145 Cheney-Republicans with Republicans who support America-First, not a return to the Bush-Cheney agenda of “regime-change” and permanent occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria … while doing nothing to fight back against the unfair trade practices engaged in by China and our supposed allies in Europe.