Deceptive Political Advertising Complaint

To whom it may concern: On February 5, 2024, the news site “In Depth New Hampshire” (for whom I have a great deal of respect – so this is not leveled at them as I believe they were unaware) published a “News Release” entitled “What to do about teen dating violence.”

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

Crime, Racketeering, And Kickbacks

I have written before regarding former Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin, but seeing that she just gave testimony in a criminal trial: State v Jessica Warren, I am compelled to do so again.

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typewriter Me too Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

The Scandal of Owen Labrie and the #MeToo Movement

The US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights is working hard to push through new regulations for Title IX. It is an appropriate time to reflect on the White House and New Hampshire’s partnership and role in the kangaroo courts of the last decade.

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Jeff Woodburn

“Now do Jeff Woodburn”

by Skip

Bob Forsythe is a Republican NH State Rep that has a number of charges against him including domestic violence. For the last few days, the political establishment on both sides of the aisle has been calling for him to resign even as he was running for re-election. Yesterday, he did.

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Is NH the Next Virginia?

Did Governor Sununu think the 22,000 pro-gun, constitution-loving people who showed up in Virginia were actually supporters of anti-gun legislation, or does he think, like governor Northam, that we no longer matter?

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