John DOE v Nixon Peabody/Russ Rilee – Important Information for You To Have

Dear John Formella – With regard to the lawsuit between John Doe #95 and Nixon Peabody/Russ Rilee and Chuck Douglas. I believe you should know the following.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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When Russ Rilee filed the class action suit for David Meehan et al. v YDC/New Hampshire, I contacted Russ Rilee (and sent a follow-up letter) stating that I believed there was a kids for cash type operation in place re; YDC, and I included several of the people I believe were involved in this including Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV.

Russ Rilee said to me on the phone, “Nothing would surprise me.” A few months later, I received a letter from Timothy McLaughlin of Shaheen & Gordon, threatening me with a defamation suit if I did not retract statements I had made regarding Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV’s involvement in a Kids for Cash type scheme.

Obviously, Russ Rilee forwarded my letter to Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV. My attorney reminded Timothy McLaughlin of my First Amendment Rights. McLaughlin continued to threaten but said he would slow down if I said nothing else while Amanda Grady Sexton was running for re-election in Concord.

What Russ Rilee didn’t reveal to me, and I didn’t know, was that he was working with Amanda Grady Sexton and NHCADSV on the claims against the state for YDC abuse. I then discovered that AG Gordon MacDonald was referring plaintiffs to NHCADSV and that David Vicinanzo was (alongside Shaheen & Gordon) providing counsel to the NHCADSV.

I suspect that the motivation for Shaheen & Gordon’s threat of a defamation suit against me was driven by the NHCADSV’s financial incentives to remain attached to Russ Rilee and David Vicinanzo in the YDC plaintiffs’ cases.

The conflicts of interest with NHCADSV and its relations with Nixon Peabody, Russ Rilee, Chuck Douglas, AG Gordon MacDonald, the NHPD, Congresswoman Ann Kuster, Governor Sununu, Governor Hassan, former AG Michael Delaney are numerous and serious. David Vicinanzo, if you recall, praised Judge Richard McNamara’s decision to keep the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation Report into St Paul’s School private, despite the school’s waiver.

That criminal investigation was carried out by Detective Julie Curtin under instructions of AG Gordon MacDonald and Jane Young. Chuck Douglas got several Jane Doe v St Paul’s School suits out of the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School. Amanda Grady Sexton described NH v Owen Labrie as “an opportunity” (literally) in the Concord Monitor – no kidding. Millions were made by her organization, Chuck Douglas, Michael Delaney, Shaheen & Gordon, and others.

NHCADSV got a contract out of it with St Paul’s School. Shaheen & Gordon had represented Andrew Thomson, a witness relied upon by the state whose mother was Governor Hassan’s legal counsel and on the board of trustees represented by Michael Delaney. Michael Delaney had huge conflicts of interest given that he allegedly tampered with witnesses in the criminal trial (including Andrew Thomson) who were then allowed to give testimony even though Prosecutor Catherine Ruffle admitted to Judge Larry Smukler that she knew of a deal that had been made for Andrew Thomson.

AG Gordon MacDonald protected Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin when it was discovered that she’d obtained student files without a warrant, and he failed to recuse himself for arguing to uphold Owen Labrie’s convictions when Julie Curtin was still working for him re; St Paul’s investigation.

Chuck Douglas received $17,000, Amanda Grady Sexton $48,000 to promote Marsy’s Law, and Gordon MacDonald did a TV/Streaming ad for it – but none of their lobby money from Marsy’s Law has been filed with the Secretary of State that I can see.

David Vicinanzo and Russ Rilee claim that the $100 million fund wouldn’t have existed without their lobbying. Would it have existed if they didn’t have their own eyes on 40% of it for themselves?

Chuck Douglas’ partner in the first Jane Doe (Chessy Prout) lawsuit against St Paul’s School, Steve Silverman Esq, admitted to Owen Labrie in August 2017 in a phone call, that the true victim of statutory rape at St Paul’s School was the son of a senior administrator at the school (not Chessy Prout) by an 18-year-old female student (suspended) but that they (Silverman, Prouts, Chuck Douglas, Steven J Kelly Esq) wanted Owen Labrie’s help to get to the “perpetrators with the pockets” – St Paul’s School – promising him access to exculpatory evidence including police evidence (which they had but had not been given to him).

The contents of this phone call were revealed in Owen Labrie’s interview with Amy Robach and ABC/GMA on July 15, 2019.

Amanda Grady Sexton launched a nationwide social media and call campaign to block the interview from airing. Her interest in it not airing, I later realized, was not only because it would have shown the fraud behind his trial and extortion racket but because she had a financial interest in Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth College – also filed by Chuck Douglas & Steven J Kelly.

That suit settled in August 2019 for $14 million, of which Kelly/Douglas got $4.9 million, and NHCADSV got $2.865 million, while the Does got $75K each, and Professor David Bucci committed suicide.

Why should the public pay for these kinds of extortion rackets?

Why should victims of YDC abuse be referred by the AG to the NHCADSV, who have a financial interest both in receiving money from the state and in extortion of both the state and several private institutions (St Paul’s, Dartmouth, Exeter)?

Why is the NH Bar so weak when it comes to an ethical and moral compass, and why does it support RICO?


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