Article 5 founders

Article V – The Summation

Article V empowers states to limit the federal government and is the megaphone for the peoples’ voice.  This is the final part of a how-to manual on limiting the federal government, skipping congress, and going straight to the Constitution.

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Mueller: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

What do you think? Should prosecutor say or do things for the purpose of helping one political party or the other? Robert Mueller abused his position of trust. He knowingly allowed himself to be used for partisan political advantage. Mueller has moved beyond the conclusion of his report. The former special prosecutor invited Democrats to … Read more

Blogline of the Day – Tim Stanley

(Posters note: this is usually Skip’s territory, hopefully I’m not squatting… I’ll find out soon enough :0)  [Well, more of a Notable Quote than a BlogLine, but I’m good! – Skip (hey – he asked!] ) What the mainstream media has yet to do is to connect the authoritarianism of the administration’s personnel with the … Read more

“With resistance like that” in Grafton….

500 feet to late if your are living the New Hampshire lifestyle
Democrats are working to make NH more like their favorite state….

I blogged about the latest brouhaha (and threatened lawsuit) in the Free Town of Grafton yesterday; the fight was caused by hubris and abuse of local power in my small hometown. So in the last 24 hours people have been asking me “Why are they acting like that?”

I told ’em to re-read the posting.

So today I get an email from my libertarian buddy “AJ,” who just read the blog post. He said it should be made into a movie…starring “Bill Murray as Tim Condon, Bruce Willis as Stephen Darrow, directed by Steven Spielberg!” Then he said…

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“Ostentation is the signal flag of hypocrisy.” —Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Representative Frank V. Sapareto (R) Rockingham District 5 – Derry  is this week’s RINO of the Week.  But let us be clear about Representative Sapareto. He is not a run-of-the-mill RINO. In fact, as a State Representative, (notwithstanding this one bill he filed), He is one of the more solid Republicans up in the Legislature. In fact, the House Republican Alliance scores him at 86% which isn’t bad at all.

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