“With resistance like that” in Grafton….

500 feet to late if your are living the New Hampshire lifestyle
Democrats are working to make NH more like their favorite state….

I blogged about the latest brouhaha (and threatened lawsuit) in the Free Town of Grafton yesterday; the fight was caused by hubris and abuse of local power in my small hometown. So in the last 24 hours people have been asking me “Why are they acting like that?”

I told ’em to re-read the posting.

So today I get an email from my libertarian buddy “AJ,” who just read the blog post. He said it should be made into a movie…starring “Bill Murray as Tim Condon, Bruce Willis as Stephen Darrow, directed by Steven Spielberg!” Then he said…

…”All kidding aside, this would be a great movie. But with that much resistance, you won’t see a free state in your lifetime. Energies may be better spent in Galt’s Gulch.”

To which I answer, “AJ, you don’t understand, man. The Free State Project hasn’t even gotten revved up yet. The Great Migration hasn’t even begun. We all know that statism and tyranny—whether found in small towns or national capitols—like hell, are not easily conquered. But I am fully, completely, and irrevocably committed to New Hampshire and the Free State Project movement. And I know that in time the many liberty & freedom activists in New Hampshire today will be joined by thousands more, thanks to the FSP. Many thousands more. So come on up and join us! It’s going to be most edifying!”

You see, New Hampshire is and has always been the “Live Free or Die” state. That means small government, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual freedom.

Democrats have been working hard lately to change New Hampshire, just like Obama has been working hard to “fundamentally change America.” But while most of us want to keep New Hampshire the way it’s always been, Democrats and other statists are trying to make New Hampshire resemble their favorite state below us…Massachusetts.

Well screw them. It ain’t gonna happen

Come on up and visit us. You’ll see why.

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