Nashua’s Right Not to Know

If normal people think that they are going to get justice in these times – forget it! I just went to court against the City of Nashua for Right To Know information which they would not give me. I assumed that once in court the city employees would tell the truth under oath but I was wrong. The saddest part was the judge believed them.

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How Windham’s Transgender Policy Violates Your Rights

Skip Murphy explains how the Windham School Board’s new transgender bathroom policy includes language that could infringe on first amendment rights by compelling speech with threats of disciplinary action and how he is trying to pry more details from the board. Visit the original post for more ways to listen.

Mr. Lynch Does The Right Thing

You might have missed this. The Governor just vetoed HB 53. HB 53 was a bill proposed by Kimberly Casey (D-Rock 11) and Jim Garrity (D-Rock 6).  Both of them should be run out of the state for even proposing it. In short, it would alter 91-A (Right to know law) by redefining what a public body … Read more

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