NH Citizens Are Demanding Accountability – This Time, in Hudson


People are demanding more from their Government(s). No, not the “Gimme” groupies whose raison d’etre in life is to persuade more Government officials (elected, appointed, or employees) that they deserve more free stuff by obligating others to provide that free stuff.

This is about regular citizens, having seen the light of day how out of control these “officials” are, these Elected Wonders when it comes to Governance.  Campaigning on being a “man of the people,” once their butts are in those seats, it becomes “all the people for ME!”

I’ve certainly been demanding more from those for whom voted for (and even more from those I didn’t) as I find that they are taking on Powers (Governments have Powers, Individuals have Rights) that they are neither entitled nor authorized to wield.

And each time they do, their actions diminish our Rights. “Good intentions” don’t count so it is up to us to keep them “in the box” that NH RSAs keep them in and corralled by dint of the restrictions set by our Constitutions as many no longer know what their boundaries are. So they go past them.

And Ms. Stewart of Hudson has just laid down her marker for her Selectboard. They would rather ignore her – given what was discussed during the meeting, and went into non-public session (see 2:29:18) and the minutes of the meeting:

From: Terry Stewart <yrrets@aol.com>
To: rcoutu@hudsonnh.gov <rcoutu@hudsonnh.gov>
Sent: Sun, May 16, 2021 8:44 am
Subject: Right to Know Request per RSA-91-A

May 16,2021

Chairman Roger Coutu
Town of Hudson NH
12 School St
Hudson, NH 03051

RE: Right to Know Request per RSA-91-A

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law ( RSA. 91-A), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the governmental records reasonably described as follows:

1. All documents, no matter what form, including but not limited to printed documents, electronic documents regarding  the non-public session dated April 27,2021 of the Hudson Board of Selectmen meeting.

If you deny any portion of this request please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record or part there of ,available for inspection.

Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at   yrrets@aol.com

Thank you for your attention to this matter


Teresa (Terry) Stewart ( former member of the Hudson Board of Selectmen)
22 Tamarack St
Hudson, NH

Too often we see “the darkroom” of non-public sessions as being that place and time where bad things can happen. Do *I* know if such malfeasance has occurred? Nope.

Does Ms. Stewart?  Obviously not otherwise there wouldn’t have been a Right To Know demand issued. But being local and aware of what may be going on, she has the ability to keep her selectmen on the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, too many people DON’T pay attention, DON’T watch over their Government, and DON’T hold them accountable and we end up where we are.

Remember, you can tell much about a man by his actions when he doesn’t think anyone is watching and non-public sessions allow for no one to watch. We are blessed when our elected Representatives rise to such occasions and cursed when they do not.

To Be Continued…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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