Franklin NH – The Most Expensive Voter Checklists in the State?

I just got confirmation that the clerk for Franklin New Hampshire requires not just $75.00 for the complete citywide voter checklist used for the election, but another $75.00 for the updated checklist after all the new names have been added.

My udder is sore just thinking about it.  Is this where I say that having to pay $150.00 is udderly ridiculous?

OK.  I don’t have an udder, but if I did I’d be demanding udder-rights.

I think Franklin should be providing that list for no more than $27.00.  I’d even go so far as to say that $27.00 for each version is not excessive, though it kind of is.  But $150.00 dollars?  I should be able to get non-public documents from the clerk for that kind of money.

So how many citizens does the Franklin Clerk’s exorbitant document fee exclude from access to what are supposed to be public documents?  I think we have a right to know that.  Of course, if we want to know in Franklin, we’ll have to pay through the udder to find out.


Related post: Information Intimidation in Franklin NH

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