School Board: No Changes After Nashua Student Beatings – Right to Know Expelled Instead

Steve MacDonald

The Nashua School Board has met since our last report on a student beaten and bullied at Fairgrounds Middle School. There was no action or policy change on this matter. That doesn’t mean that nothing happened.

The Board voted on at least 34 motions according to sources. At least one member was participating by phone, which is a legitimate means of inclusion. (Ooh, Inclusion!). But?

(e) A member participating in a meeting by the means described in this paragraph is deemed to be present at the meeting for purposes of voting. All votes taken during such a meeting shall be by roll call vote.

No roll call votes were taken or recorded. That’s what I heard. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 dollars in taxpayer money was allocated without a record of who voted how, to spend it.

Headline: Nashua School Board Majority Ignores State Law and Taxpayer Rights.

Is anyone surprised? Is the Nashua Telegraph reporting that? I don’t have birdcages to “line” so I couldn’t tell you.

I can say that you (Nashua) have an election coming up. Maybe you need to replace a few folks on the Cities Boards? Deliver an electoral beating. Expel a few of these folks back to being private citizens, which reminds me.

The board did decide that the Fairgrounds beat down was “not an emergency.” Students who attack another student (assault) get a one-week suspension. But that’s not the Droid we’re looking for, is it?

The SAU is concerned about witnesses exposing assaults that then force them to make public statements about their inaction. We’ve got an undeclared informal ban in Nashua on expelling students who disrupt the learning environment. The bullying laws are a joke – like all such things left to teachers whose hands are tied by administrators who dance to the tune of reporting “improvements” to chase money or the next better-paying job.

Things could be worse, but after the last board meeting, they are not better.

Nashua should want to do better.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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