Pappas Resist the truth

The ONLY Question That Matters in a First Congressional District GOP Primary

IF there is a GOP-primary in the First Congressional District (the seat currently held by Liddle Chris Pappas (Communist-Manchester)), the ONLY question that matters for the GOP candidates is this: WILL YOU SUPPORT CURRENT GOP “LEADER” KEVIN MCCARTHY FOR SPEAKER? McCarthy is simply John Boehner without all the embarrassing crocodile tears. The real Speaker will … Read more

If You Are Voting Republican in 2022 … You Are The Problem.

I want to follow up on something Steve wrote in his recent post about the GOP-posers in the State Senate removing the ban on Critical Race Theory from the budget bill.  Here is what Steve wrote: Their interests appear more focused, not on New Hampshire’s political future but Chris Sununu’s. Actually, these GOP-in-name-only-State-Senators are focused … Read more

Does New Hampshire Need a Third Party?

This: The history of third Parties … in Presidential races … is (1) that they allow the Democrat to roll up an electoral college landslide without winning a majority of the vote and (2) they have no staying power. The most recent example was Ross Perot. Perot allowed Bill Clinton to win 370 electoral votes … Read more

This Is The Way.

I am not sure what term to apply to voters who support Trump’s policies and have had it with the quisling GOP Establishment … America-First, MAGA, conservatives, etc. But whatever you want to call us … this is the way.

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