Urgent Message For Pro-Choice Voters

Steve MacDonald

These words, URGENT MESSAGE FOR PRO CHOICE VOTERS, appear on the front of a letter from ‘New Hampshire for John Lynch 10.’  The letter, (scanned image available on the jump) is addressed to my wife, who is a registered Republican by the way.  It is both a declaration and an attack.

It declares the Lynch commitment to choice.

I am proudly pro choice.  As Governor, I have stood firmly in support of protecting the rights of women to make their own private medical decisions.  I repealed an unconstitutional law that put the reproductive health and safety of women at risk.

Interesting. Would those be 13 year old "women?"

It continues…


It then attacks John Stephen.  Lynch claims John Stephen would…

Take away a woman’s right to choose..and will lead efforts to restrict women’s reproductive freedom.

..Would criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.

Would outlaw emergency contraception.

..even proposed cutting family planning and women’s health grants by 25%.

Lynch goes on to frighten women with issues related to domestic violence, stalking, and felons who can become foster parents just in case they vote with something besides their vagina’s.  Never hurts to cover the all the bases.

The point of course is to cry out to women in a desperate plea to scare them into voting for John Lynch, the guy who refuses to let mothers know if their daughters get pregnant and seek an abortion without their consent, even after claiming they deserved to be involved.  The guy who is willing to risk letting sexual predators out of prison early.  The guy who said he’d defend traditional marriage, stand against broad based taxes, and broke both promises.  The guy who taxes small business in the middle of the night, while passing down debt to future generations while claiming he’s balanced the budget.  The same guy who continues to try and rob 110 million in private property from the JUA fund while claiming he has a surplus.

What do you need the 110 large for Mr. Lynch?  Are you lying about the budget too?  We know you are.

So I guess the real questions are…is there a majority of women in the state who are single issue voters that trust the little governor enough to take all this at his word?  Or is it possible that John Lynch may be lying again?

One message it does send is desperation.  (Maybe the internal polling doesn’t look as good as it should?)

While I can’t speak for every woman, my wife is more concerned about cutting spending and keeping the cost of government down–that means repealing fee hikes and making sure no new taxes get imposed.  If that means cutting off planned parenthood and the after morning pill, she’s good with that.  We also has a ten year old daughter who in just a few years will become eligible for member ship in the John Lynch school for wayward girls.  That’s the one that (un?)intentionally puts the physical and mental health of young teenage girls at risk for things like incest, sexual abuse, and even the complications of invasive and potentially life threatening surgery as a side effect of being a spineless shill to his party and their obsessive devotion to the special interest abortion lobby and their wealth of campaign money.

And we don’t need to speculate about that.  John Lynch is proud of it. He just said so.


( Image of letter.)

Lynch letter


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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