GrokTV Event: NH Speaker Bill O’Brien Town Hall – Questions!

by Skip

Quite a bit of the Town Hall was taken up by questions (some pre-written and some from the floor):

  • On Voter ID
  • Would Gov Lynch actually support on a Voter ID bill?
  • How can the private sector assist in the cost of Education?
  • How about Consolidates SAUs (School Administrative Units)?
  • More on Voter Fraud
  • School Vouchers a possibility?
  • Special Education funding (Federal, State)
  • In 40 years, why is Education costing 3 X more but results are worse?
  • The 10 Health Agencies are not working
  • Some House Reps had conflicts over Right To Work – but didn’t recuse themselves!
  • Right To Work “positives”
  • On that “Stealing $499 from your employer is not a crime” bill…
  • Closed Primaries – possibility?

Videos after the jump:

  • On Voter ID

  • Would Gov Lynch actually support on a Voter ID bill?
  • How can the private sector assist in the cost of Education?

  • How about Consolidates SAUs (School Administrative Units)?
  • More on Voter Fraud
  • School Vouchers a possibility?
  • Special Education funding (Federal, State)

  • In 40 years, why is Education costing 3 X more but results are worse?
  • The 10 Health Agencies are not working
  • Some House Reps had conflicts over Right To Work – but didn’t recuse themselves!
  • Right To Work “positives”

  • On that “Stealing $499 from your employer is not a crime” bill…
  • Closed Primaries – possibility?



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