So You Want (More) Proof Of Voter Fraud

How many ILLEGALS will be voting in 2024? I cannot give you an exact number, but I’m certain that we are talking about MILLIONS. Where’s the proof … where’s the proof … where’s the proof … bleat the rank-and-file Commy-bots, the useful idiots like Mikey Graham … the corporate media, etc., etc., etc.

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Biden Just Won Wisconsin’s Ten Electoral Votes

The most important election in 2022 was in Wisconsin. The Left went all out, pouring millions into the race, while the Right, as usual, sat on its hands. The liberal, activist, Democrat candidate won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which flipped the court from majority Republican to majority Democrat.

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Adam Sexton … Mouthpiece For The New Hampshire Democrat Party

Adam Sexton wants you to believe that people voting WITHOUT ID is not a problem in New Hampshire. More specifically, some NHGOP have been pushing back against the absurd notion that “the right to vote” means the right to vote without showing valid identification … so here comes Adam to rescue the Woke-Communists (oh, so … Read more

Michelle Obama’s Magical Turnout Machine

Michelle Obama can predict the future. Well, she can shape it anyway.  Back in 2012, she stood before the assembled throng at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, and said words that are still shaping elections a decade later. “Let’s be clear,” Michelle said, “elections aren’t just about who votes but who doesn’t vote.”

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Bus toy model

And Right on Schedule, Here Comes the Bus(ES)! And AZ Votes “Misread”

by Skip

Is “misread” the same as “misgendered”?  I dunno – I get so confused with all the newly made up words the Left conjures up.  But more on that in a bit. Buses. UNH. Actual or apocrophal? From a loyal reader: —— Original Message —— From: To:; Sent: 11/8/2022 10:50:07 AM Subject: UNH … Read more

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