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New England Right To Work just made a HUGE mistake concerning Tim Lang (candidate for NH Senate, District 2)

Bonehead – didn’t do his homework. That would be McKayne Boedeker who is the Executive Director of the New England Right to Work (out of Manchester, NH). Got a missive from him and like a lot of organizations this time of year (er, election time), it came with a hand outstreched for your wallet. Sounded … Read more

So why is NH State Rep Mark Proulx against the GOP Platform? And against Private Contract? And Self-Agency. Freedom?

It is because of HIM I have to join a union against my will and contra my Freedom! Thanks for nuttin.  In this, you are a totalitarian simply because I want to freely contract with my employer – and you decided to not let me. So what WILL you run on if the Janus vs … Read more

GrokTALK! at Liberty Forum with Greg Moore – AFP-NH

Greg Moore from American’s For Prosperity joins us at Liberty Forum to talk about white chicken chili, base line ‘shared principles,’ constructive disagreement, and the extreme idea that people should have control over their own lives, oh- and white chicken chili. We’ve also got Right to Work (passed in MN, failed in NH), as well … Read more

Footage from Inside AFP Tent In Michigan

This is footage shot from inside the AFP tent in Lansing as the tent was overrun by angry union protesters and began to come down.  It’s very shaky but here it is.

More Compensation and Job Growth In Right To Work States

Compensation RTW vs Forced Union - RTW states do better in both categoriesIf union thugs are not beating on you, they are lying to you (about job growth and wage growth), and so is your President.  But here’s the truth…

According to Michigan’s Mackinac Center, using data taken from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics, private-sector, inflation-adjusted employee compensation in right-to-work states increased by 12% between 2001 and 2011 compared with just 3% over the same period in forced-unionization states.

There’s more…

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Where Diane Lacy, President of NH SEA / SEIU can’t even get simple facts right – and tips hand on the upcoming NH election cycle.


On WMUR “Closeup” this morning, replacement host James Pindell interviewed Diane Lacy, President of the NH State Employee Association and NH Rep. Will Infantine (R-Manchester) during his first segment).  Well, during the interview, Ms. Lacy shows that either she has no grasp of real facts or is just what many people believe: that the SEIU is just another name for “Progressive Democrats” in that they just make up facts and say them as truth. And keep repeating them, just like NH Progressive Press Sec. Harrell Kirstein and Uber-Progressive Chair Ray “Buckles” Buckley  And are in the tank for Obama, as the national SEIU spent over $70 million, by their own admission, trying to get Obama elected. Lacy concentrated on three things:

  • Unions = Middle Class
  • Republican supported budget hurts union workers (with an assisted jab question from James Pindell)
  • Speaker Bill O’Brien is a Free Stater
  • In fact, NH is overrun by Free Staters (and she has no clue who or how many)!
  • She is making the wedge appeal to the RINOs for support with “hey, THOSE Republicans are not like you – support us!”
  • But she’ll replace those RINOS with union members who will be running for election.
  • And kinda mumbled something that without automatic union due deductions from union member paychecks, e-commerce in NH is dead.

Like this first statement by Diane Lacy:

“Middle Class is under attack here in NH and the way to get to the Middle Class is by taking away their rights.”

This is getting to be old, but let’s walk through this, shall we?

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GrokTV Event: NH Speaker Bill O’Brien Town Hall – Questions!

Quite a bit of the Town Hall was taken up by questions (some pre-written and some from the floor):

  • On Voter ID
  • Would Gov Lynch actually support on a Voter ID bill?
  • How can the private sector assist in the cost of Education?
  • How about Consolidates SAUs (School Administrative Units)?
  • More on Voter Fraud
  • School Vouchers a possibility?
  • Special Education funding (Federal, State)
  • In 40 years, why is Education costing 3 X more but results are worse?
  • The 10 Health Agencies are not working
  • Some House Reps had conflicts over Right To Work – but didn’t recuse themselves!
  • Right To Work “positives”
  • On that “Stealing $499 from your employer is not a crime” bill…
  • Closed Primaries – possibility?

Videos after the jump:

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