Are Courts Helping Law Firms Run a Class Action Lawsuit Racket?

Lawrence Schonbrun is a Lawyer working to educate people about Class Action Lawsuit abuse and how the courts and politicians are letting law firms milk generational wealth for themselves at the expense of those they claim to be representing. *This is something of a programming change. I am going to try to post interviews the … Read more

New Hampshire Joins 18 State Coalition Looking to Screw the Rest of the Nation

On November 4th the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office issued a press release announcing that it will join “24 States, Cities, and counties” in defense of  the EPA’s clean power plan (CPP). There are 18 states involved in this ‘defense’ posture, half of whom are already bound up by a the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. These RGGI … Read more

NH Democrats Focused on The Economy

Hah!  No they’re not.  If that were true they wouldn’t be blowing out the state budget and growing spending five times faster than estimated growth. Democrats.  Don’t you love them? What they are actually focused on is off-shoring (that’s a metaphor) their own responsibility for managing our sovereign state.  Instead of standing up and running on the Democrat party … Read more

NH Ranked 10th Best State for Gun Owners by Guns & Ammo Magazine

Guns and Ammo Magazine has rated all 50 states and the District of Columbia to determine where the best and worst places are for gun owners in America. New Hampshire ranked in the top ten best. Tenth, actually.  The District of Columbia came in 51st (go figure). Rounding out the bottom after DC are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, … Read more

NHFC’s response to the Democrat / Progressive gun grabbing actions

We here at GraniteGrok are fortunate to be in contact with a lot of the Liberty and Freedom groups here in NH  – the NH Firearms Coalition is one of them.  Today, we have added our names to this Letter: The National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban, of which NHFC is a founding member … Read more

“We are going to cure cancer…”

One of the great things about my chosen home of New Hampshire—like a majority of people in the state, it’s not where I grew up—is the extraordinary number of friends and people I get to visit and talk to (thank you RLCNH and and NH GOP). One such conversation recently was a true eye-opener. … Read more

The Gay Marriage Report Card

“I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.” —Arnold Schwarzenegger Roughly Sixty days out from national elections means people are beginning to take notice of what the politicians are saying about a whole host of issues fiscal and social. Chief among issues is the hot button of gay marriage.  Presently, if … Read more


We now live at a time when government seems to be taking its liberties by parsing our constitutional protections where the overarching concept of the Fourth Amendment to the constitution. Despite the numerous legal challenges mounted in ECPA cases, the government fights hard to keep this ability. For that, I am lost on how our constitution continues to restrain what seems to be a slow and steady march toward arbitrary and oppressive governance.

New Hampshire Comes Up #1 Again….

From, the "Livability Index" Lifestyle Statistics > Best States to Live by state Showing latest available data. Rank   States   Amount   # 1   New Hampshire: 35.45    # 2   Minnesota: 33.86    # 3   Vermont: 31.73    # 4   Wyoming: 31.61    # 5   Virginia: 31.57    # 6   Iowa: 31.41  … Read more

How About Some Cheese With Your Hamm?

If the democrats in New Hampshire want anyone to take them seriously on why we should not lower the cigarette tax, they had best find a better spokesperson than House rep. Christine Hamm from the Peoples Republic of Hopkinton.(PRH) From this mornings union leader.. Rep. Christine Hamm, D-Hopkinton, argued against the change. She said no … Read more

75 members of congress who are members of Democrat Socialists of America

This is just a list of those brazen enough to join.   Spread this around! The stigma of being a socialist is apparently fading. Too bad…. It is very alarming that we have 75 Communists in our own Government, occupying our sacred halls of Congress. These commies have infiltrated our government and disguised themselves as Democrats. … Read more

Welfare Reform after Ten Years: New Hampshire Fails to “End Welfare as We Know it”

Our friend Karen Testerman at Cornerstone Policy Research sends the following sad news about opportunity lost here in the Granite State: New state-by-state survey ranks, grades states by the successof their anti-poverty efforts and by the reform policies they adopted When President Bill Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, … Read more

Oh that Jeanne Shaheen, there she goes again!

… . Our friend Pat Hynes  at AnkleBitingPundits writes about Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, former governor and present candidate for US Senate, hopping aboard the Bush derangement bandwagon… I was wondering when the “Bush Caused the Wildfires” mantra would start. I just didn’t think it would start in my Granite State of New Hampshire and that it would come out of the … Read more