Are Courts Helping Law Firms Run a Class Action Lawsuit Racket?

podcast-radioLawrence Schonbrun is a Lawyer working to educate people about Class Action Lawsuit abuse and how the courts and politicians are letting law firms milk generational wealth for themselves at the expense of those they claim to be representing.

*This is something of a programming change. I am going to try to post interviews the day after I do them, then compile them together each week into a single weekly podcast.

Bio: Lawrence W. Schonbrun is the executive director of Class Action Watch*, a nonprofit organization, and is a nationally recognized spokesperson on the issue of abusive class action settlements and excessive attorneys fee awards in class actions. He has appeared on behalf of unnamed class members/objectors in numerous class actions throughout the United States. A New York City native, he received his undergraduate degree from the University of Vermont in 1966, and his law degree from Boston College Law School in 1969.

*Class Action Watch, a nonprofit, tort reform organization located in Berkeley, California, is dedicated to educating the public and alerting the media about class action abuse. (Full Bio c/o HuffPo)


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