indoctrination, Transgenderism

On Vermont Bashing Christians and Ignoring Its State Constitution

Vermont joins Oregon in hating Christians, going after not those wishing to adopt but those who want to give children a foster home while their parents get their acts together (a majority of the cases; I’ll put aside other types of reasons like parental deaths for now).

Vermont Must Cap Individual Property Tax Increases

The massive property tax increase coming our way as the result of an education funding system gone out of wildly control poses the very real threat of forcing some – perhaps many – Vermonters out of their homes. It will certainly cause painful choices for household budgets, making it even harder make ends meet in … Read more

Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

Night Cap: Where Will Vermont Find the Money for This?

The People’s Republic of Vermont has a climate itch it can’t stop scratching. An irritation that persists to the point of bleeding if it were on your person. And it is. You, kind people of Vermont, will pay in ways they can’t or won’t explain.

Are $6 Per Gallon Gas Prices Coming to Vermont?

It so happens I am in Seattle, Washington, this week helping my son settle into a new living/job situation, and one of the first things you notice when driving around this city is how absurdly expensive gasoline is.

Bugs Bunny Meme - You are the carbon they want to reduce

Vermont Stupid!

You’ve heard of Boston Strong. It was an inspiration in the weeks after the Boston Bombing but got tired after a few years from overuse. Well, I’m here to introduce you to something you’ll get tired of but can never escape. Vermont Stupid.

Trans poster calling all mediocre males

Vermont Sen. Slammed on Twitter After CNN Interview

Yesterday CNN’s Jake Tapper did a segment on the Mid Vermont Christian School girls basketball team choosing to forfeit rather than put their girls on the court against a team w’ith a 6’3” boy.  CNN brought a female reporter Brynn Gingras to get the story.  Mid Vermont declined to be interviewed almost certainly to avoid … Read more

Money down the toilet

Another Expensive Lesson New Hampshire Could Learn From Vermont

We can debate 232 years later whether accepting Vermont into the union was a good idea, but there have been a few positives, Calvin Coolidge being one of them. But recent decades have seen a significant decline as the Democrat Socialists have turned it into a Right-Coast California without the coast.