The Merits of Working in Healthcare

When you are considering changing career paths or deciding what to study at college, you need to decide what you would like from your job. This article maps out the joys of choosing a healthcare career path. Weighing up financial benefits against enjoyment, or reliability against excitement is not an issue when you are considering … Read more

Nashua High north

Nashua Voters: Your Elected Officials Smear Anyone Who Stands in Their Way.

by Beth Scaer | My name is Beth Scaer, I am a Nashua resident, and I am here to support Doris Hohensee. Doris was elected to the Nashua Board of Education because the voters trust her and respect her. There has never been a hint of racism in her life and, in fact, her history … Read more

NH Union Leader

So where are the vaunted Union Leader “Editors” in the Hohensee smear? Or are they in on it?

So in all this, Kimberly Houghton who is the Union Leader reporter that wrote about this “Rich Girard smear-a-like political stunt” (the Conservative Manchester School Board member earlier accused of “identifying” a student even as GraniteGrok outed her as having outed herself on Manchester Ink in a public Op-Ed)  against Nashua School Board Doris Hohensee. … Read more

Nashua High north

Nashua Educrats Launch a Political Hit on BOE Member Doris Hohensee

Nashua School Superintendent Jahmal Mosley and Nashua Board of Education President Heather Raymond (and even the Nashua Teachers Union) are calling for the resignation of Board of Education member Doris Hohensee. Why?

Are You A Conservative Liberal Too?

In the beginning… Once upon a time I considered myself to be “liberal.” I hung posters in the neighborhood for John Kennedy. But slowly, over time, a realization dawned on me. I was liberal because my political and moral philosophy was based on freedom, the rule of law, property rights, respect for life and equal … Read more


Lobbying the NH Legislators: Toddlers for the Workforce!

Even though we are seeing more studies about the dangers of early education on young children, there is a political agenda that seeks to push more children into schools earlier and earlier. Recently Harvard published a study on the dangers of early school enrollment. As one blogger reported, they (toddlers) are seen as in investment. Emily Talmage reported: … Read more

What is the Superintendent in Laconia Hiding?

I’ve been searching for information on the mental health data collected and shared on students in the Laconia School District.  Accessing this information has become challenging, given the responses by the current Superintendent in the district, Brendan Minnihan. One thing is clear from the information that has been provided, mental health data on the students is … Read more

WIndham Pelham School District

Part 1: Back to the Windham School District; yet another self-inflicted wound, eh? Yes, teacher Elizabeth Talon, that would be you.

“Are NFL players participating in Civil Disobedience?“ That is the question that was put to Elizabeth Talon’s class – but was the NFL really the true subject of this “lesson”? First, let’s put a baseline into place examine the new Code of Ethics that was adopted earlier this month by the NH Board of Education … Read more

The difference between Libertarians and Statist/Progressive Totalitarians

A lady by the name of Jilletta Jarvis is running for Governor of NH and had a Letter to the Editor printed in the Concord Monitor (I do have to give credit to our local Pravda in doing so for a person completely antithetical to their political stances).  In it I read no real surprises … Read more

“Critical Thinking”? More like “Simplistic Whining”?

This from the last of a post (“Why College Graduates Can’t Think”) sums up a lot: More to the point, that explains why employers keep complaining that college graduates can’t think. They’re not being taught to think. They’re being taught, in too many of their courses, to “oppose existing systems”—without regard for any objective appraisal … Read more

Deborah Nucatola, Where Is Your Soul?

It is incumbent on every American who wants to see our country exist past this most recent socialist president, his friends in our court system, and other progressives that control academia and our government schools to do some small part saving it. I have a guy in mind who has done more than his share … Read more

“Now the contest begins to see who’ll be the angriest winner.”

OF OBERGEFELL AND OSTRACISM: After the Supreme Court’s decision on Same Sex Marriage, Dan McLaughlin of Red State was quoted as saying, “Now the contest begins to see who’ll be the angriest winner.” Last week it was George Takei of Star Trek making racist slurs against Clarence Thomas. This week, Max Lindenman of Patheos spots … Read more

RightOnline – an indelible impression by Lou and Ed

The image below is not about me – it is about the size of the flag – and the size of the hearts of two men I met at RightOnline.  No, this post is not about the ‘Grok, what I did or what I said; it is rather, about two older gentlemen that taught me … Read more