Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Justice, and Rewarding Bad Behavior

Teachers across America are speaking up about the lack of controlled behavior in public schools. What changed? Why are teachers frustrated because behavior problems have become unbearable?  Why are they leaving the profession in droves?

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Governor Sununu Institutionalized Social Emotional Learning in New Hampshire

The legislature never authorized Social Emotional Learning for NH public schools. Governor Sununu did it all on his own. Governor Sununu brought Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to New Hampshire and hired an SEL Program Director who reports to him, not the Department of Education:

Parent talks to school board about SEL and Sexualization of children

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum Teaches 13-Year Old’s to Have Sex and Advertise It!

Social-Emotional Learning is, as we’ve reported for years, another Ed scam designed to indoctrinate your kids. It’s a crapstorm. Look here if you want to check out some of what’s under the water on this iceberg. For today, we’ll keep it simple. SEL is teaching minors to have sex and to tell everyone about it.

Remove Your Children From Social and Emotional (SEL) Learning, Here’s Why

As Social and Emotional Learning transitions to Transformative SEL, you will see more radicalized political agendas. Second Step, which is used in many NH schools, shows how some of that will be introduced to your children. CASEL is the gatekeeper for all SEL programs. In one of CASEL’s videos, you can hear how the trainers … Read more

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Can Deny Your Child a Career in the Military or Law Enforcement

Anytime a student is seen by a school social worker, school psychologist, or clinical mental health counselor, and services are billed to Medicare or Medicaid by the school, a medical diagnosis code is applied. The medical diagnosis code is referred to as a CPT code, which is a procedure code. This refers to the services … Read more

Night Cap: What’s SO Bad About Social and Emotional Learning (and the SEL Proposed Legislation in NH)?

PART 1: Introduction This week, there was a hearing before the House Education Committee to prohibit SEL in our public schools. The sponsor proposed an amendment at the hearing to change that to parental consent for children to participate in SEL.

Social-Emotional Learning Replaces Academics as Focus (Pandemic Shutdown & Reading, part 6 of 8)

Prior installments of this series have demonstrated that state and national standardized test scores in New Hampshire and Vermont were poor and declining before the COVID pandemic school shutdown.

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The Occult & New Age Origins of SEL **Social and Emotional Learning

Dear Executive Councilors, I want to bring to your attention a new fad that is taking hold in New Hampshire Schools. I am referring to Social and Emotional Learning/ SEL. Please take time to watch this video on The Occult and New Age Origins of SEL. 

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Complaint Filed in SAU50 Over SEL Social and Emotional Learning–Failure to Obtain Parental Consent

Dear Ms. Fenton; Please review the following emails I sent to the Superintendent in SAU50 regarding the Social and Emotional Learning taking place in the district. There is a difference of opinion on what constitutes assessing and servicing the mental health of children through SEL.

Stand up for Change CASEL and SEL Screengrab

Part 2: How Social and Emotional Learning Now Means Critical Race Theory in Our Schools (CRT through SEL)

After publishing this article explaining to Sarah Earle from Reaching Higher NH about the connection between Social and Emotional Learning and Critical Race Theory, I felt more needed to be explained.

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Reaching Higher NH and a Lesson on CRT in Social and Emotional Learning

Reaching Higher NH has no track record for improving public schools in New Hampshire. Yet they try to remain relevant. Here is an email I recently sent to one of their team members on Social and Emotional Learning in the public schools.

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Dumbing Down Your Child Through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Teachers have always been the emotional support for children in school, and they provide the opportunity to learn social skills too. So what’s changed? Why are schools so focused on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?

‘Portrait of a Graduate’ Used to Push Critical Race Theory Through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Parents need to know that Portrait of a Graduate is a national program created by an Ohio-based company called Battelle for Kids. Portrait of a Graduate is being used to fundamentally transform the purpose of US education.

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The Dark Side of Social and Emotional Learning: What Parents Need to Know

Nancy Bailey wrote an article about the dark side of Social and Emotional Learning. I would suggest that everyone carefully read this article to understand that SEL is much more than just emotional support provided to your child in class.

Snake Oil Coming from New Hampshire’s Learning Initiative

The Learning Initiative gives you a good idea about the players in New Hampshire that push national education initiatives, whether they work or not. Think about all of the fads that have come through our public schools only to be shown that they did nothing to improve academic outcomes.

Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Pediatric Social Worker Rainbow Stasi

Once again, Critical Race Theory, and its offshoot, Childism, is infesting Dartmouth-Hitchcock. I had to take one of the Granddaughters down to Manchester for a previously planned visit by her parents as she was staying with us for a few days (we were closer in distance, so I offered).  We schlepped on down, registered (they … Read more

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SEL + ESG = Social Credit System In NH Schools: The Danger to Your Child

Lisa Logan has connected the dots on the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in our local schools, and how it relates to the Social Credit System. SEL is part of the Multi-Tiered System of Support that has now been implemented in schools across the state.

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SAU16/Exeter Administrators, Selling More Snake Oil to Spin the Failures of Remote Learning

In the latest article drafted by school administrators in SAU16/Exeter, David Ryan, Esther Asbell, and Christopher Adriski try to smooth over the disaster they helped create in the school district.

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Create a Stable and Vibrant Learning Opportunity

This fall marks the third school year impacted by Covid-19. Regardless of where you are on mask protocols or vaccinations, our children’s learning is greatly disrupted and at-risk. Learning gaps and emotional upheavals can last years if not decades. Why tolerate this for your children when there is an alternative?

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Right to Know Request: CRT/Diversity Equity Inclusion/ Social Justice/ Race

Dear Superintendent Ambrose; Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the governmental records: For the District. Between teachers, staff, parents, outside entities, school committee, etc. starting January 1, 2020, till current. For (SCHOOL DISTRICT).