A recap – GraniteGrok endorsement for Bill O’Brien for NH Speaker of the House


Quite some time ago, the ‘Grok endorsed Bill O’Brien for the most powerful political office in New Hampshire – Speaker of the NH House.  This is part of what we wrote at the time:

…Rep. Bill O’Brien (R – Mt. Vernon), a leader of the House Republican Alliance in the NH State House. The letter announces his run for Speaker of the House, and is well worth reading. O’Brien is a "New Republican." That is, he hearkens back to "Old Republican" values, with a philosophical grounding in Republican principles that were and are upheld by real Republicans of the past and present, including Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, as well as today’s Jim DeMint, Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and, yes, Ron Paul.

O’Brien has a 100% House Republican Alliance score for both 2009 and 2910. He was awarded an A+ score by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance (NHLA) for 2009 (and I would expect will get the same grade for 2010 when the scores are released at the NHLA annual dinner in July). He comes from a state house district that in 2008 had one Republican and four Democrats, with NHLA scores of "B" (the Republican), "F", "Constitutional Threat," and "F". Then O’Brien and his co-candidates engineered a victory in that district (Hillsborough #4) in the 2008 elections where only one Democrat remained. The 2009 NHLA scores for the district are "D-" (the one remaining Democrat), "A", "A+", and "A+".

Oh yeah – he was put up on the "Extreme 16" (which, as Tom pointed out, is now defunct) website by the VERY Democrats who quake at the idea of him being Speaker – I take that to be a VERY good sign!

GraniteGrok did a number of Micro-Interviews with him back during the summer – it is time to put up the rest of them.  To recap, here are the previously posted ones:

  • Part 1 – Why running? Leadership Style, and what reforms will citizens see?
  • Part 2 – The Democrats claim a $63 million surplus; Republicans say up to an $800 million deficit – who is right?  And if there is a deficit, what will you do to right the ship of state?
  • Part 3 – Are you going to be instituting a radical difference in how Government works?  Power: People or the Political Class?
  • Part 4 – How is standing on Principles being divisive?  You are for "The People" or the "Political Class"?
  • Part 5 – Repeal the over 100 taxes Democrats have put in since 2006?
  • Part 6 – Progressive ideals or ideals of Individual Freedom; which is more important – the supremacy of Govt (Progressives) or People (Constitutional values)?
  • Part 7 – Annual or Bi-annual sessions?  Does 1,000 bills / year yield good law?
  • Part 8 – What influence does the average voter have on the choice of Speaker?
  • Part 9 – Thoughts on the concentrated power in the Speaker of the NH House position?

Er, we have even more – check back tomorrow!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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