Enes Kanter and Xi Jingping

China, Celtics, and Freedom

High profiles athletes often make “public service announcements” (PSAs) for this or that. Don’t use drugs. Get vaccinated. Stay in school. Then there is Boston Celtic center Enes Kanter, who perhaps issued the “Mother of all PSAs” when he warned that the Chinese Communist regime’s leader, Xi Jinping, was a “brutal dictator.”

Just trust China

Just Trust China … Nothing to See Here

The Left is no longer working overtime leveraging a virus to manipulate an election. Now we’re seeing a different picture. China does not look to be our partner and friend. The concerns many have been raising about the origins of the coronavirus suddenly do not seem so implausible.

Are You a Casual China Watcher?

Are You a Casual China Watcher?

Are you a casual China watcher? If you are there was a key policy meeting, the four day plenum in Beijing this week. It wraps up came with a statement; China will not let external pressures sway it from becoming a great power. It goes on to say China is entering a period of ‘strategic … Read more

Race relations

  China … Debate Night for the VP’s

If you did not watch debate night for the VP’s this time you missed something on China. The debate was a better articulation of the Harris Biden position than Joe was able to present. The interaction was more professional than the first Presidential debate. There did seem to be a clear winner. I may be … Read more

Race relations

Debate Night for the VP’s … the Virus

If you did not watch debate night for the VP’s this time you missed something. The debate was a better articulation of the Harris-Biden position than Joe was able to present. The interaction was more professional than the first Presidential debate. There did seem to be a clear winner.

China Russia and U.S. are Clashing

China Russia and U.S. are Clashing at the UN

Thursday in discussing responsibility for the pandemic China, Russia and U.S. are clashing at the UN. Everybody agrees the virus is the source of disruption worldwide. It is causing interruptions in world trade. There are many virus related deaths. Allegations about responsibility for mishandling the virus are without resolution. There are charges and counter charges … Read more

Did You Vote to Send Your Tax Dollars to China?

Did You Vote to Send Your Tax Dollars to China?

China is guilty of unleashing a deadly, life-altering virus on the world. Yet, the American taxpayer has sent money to the Chinese government. That’s correct, China has taken American taxpayer dollars as part of the Paycheck Protection Program.

China Is A Bigger Threat Than Russia

China Is A Bigger Threat Than Russia

Attorney General (AG) William Barr has labeled China the greatest national security threat facing the United States. He did so in an interview that Fox News aired last Wednesday. In it, he says Beijing poses a greater challenge to U.S. election security in 2020 than Russia.