Someone Should Tell Joe Biden, It’s not the best time to be soft on China

China is becoming a pariah of the global community. That country attempts to suppress news of the coronavirus. They screw up the cover-up. And the worldwide pandemic is laid at their feet. How is that not worthy of a comment from a presidential candidate?

Our friends… many are demanding China be held accountable for the damage wrought through their actions. Where is Uncle Joe while all of this going on? Is he still in his recreation room? What exactly are his thoughts on whether the coronavirus is a Chinese economic attack?

Critical of China and used to be VP

It’s not the best time to be soft on China. For President Trump, that’s not a worry. He has been critical of China since the opening days of his 2016 campaign. He has openly been telling crowds and the media about the threat China poses.

Contrast that with his reelection opponent. Biden has historically held much different views on China. That’s why the presumptive Democrat nominee is the main feature of a new ad from the Trump campaign. The ad highlights the ‘used to be VP’s’ ties to China: Here’s the ad.

If the shoe fits…

The ad is a damning picture of Biden. It is, however, a campaign ad. It should be viewed as such. It isn’t wrong but the term misleading isn’t entirely incorrect either. The point really is: Is Biden fit to be president?

Rumors of Hunter Biden’s haul of investments from Chinese companies are mentioned. At this point, they remain unproven in court. There is an appearance of a conflict of interest, or maybe it better described as selling influence. The son of used to be VP Biden did tag along with his father during a 2013 trip to China. The father-son team did make it kind of a photo op.

The inclusion in the ad of Gary Locke next to a Chinese flag prompted an outcry from the left. Locke is a Democrat. He used to be governor of Washington, then-Secretary of Commerce and then Ambassador to China. The Trump campaign quickly responded. “The shot with the flags specifically places Biden in Beijing in 2013. It’s for a reason. That’s the Hunter Biden trip,

Response to criticism

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh wrote. “Memory Lane for ol’ Joe.

The ad’s theme raises a valid question: History shows us that Joe Biden has no problem bowing to China. Why then, should the American people trust that this will change? Biden has been helpful in selling out iconic American industries to China.   He is facilitating the censorship of Hollywood films.

The censorship better suits what China’s communist regime allows its people to see. Is that what we want for America’s future?  It is a valid question. We will answer it at the polls.

Biden appears to be gearing up to fight his soft-on-China politician image. But used to be VP Biden was the most Leftist Senator for nearly 40 years. He is… what he is. Right now the more pressing question seems to be competence; mental acuity.

Actions speak louder than words

According to the ‘used to be VP’s’ campaign website, he seeks to win the “competition for the future against China.” He is going to ensure human rights abuses in the country are addressed. This leaves open the question: What about China’s handling of the Uyghurs. It isn’t new. It was there when he used to be VP. He had power and influence then. Why weren’t human rights worth his time then?

Biden’s stream of gaffes and mishaps has slowed. Mostly that’s due to the shelter-in-place orders. It seems more likely the party has a modified gag order on him. Photo ops only… responsible social distancing…    very responsible … No in-person a public appearance… no gaffes… little chance for the ‘used to be VP’ to flub a line or forget where he is or who his wife is, you dog-faced pony soldier.

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