Media “Admits” Kamala Was a Bullet ‘Everyone’ Dodged

If the Wall Street Journal is any indication, it is officially both acceptable and necessary to admit that Joe Biden has been mentally compromised … for his entire presidency. This is not news to us. His own relatives thought it was crazy he was running for president because of his declining mental health. You could … Read more

trump_smug_smile-1200x800-c-default UTexas

Absent No More

According to retired Wall Street Journal’s executive Washington editor Gerald Seib, candidate Trump has an advantage being his party’s front-runner since the primary “rules and calendar are designed to help a front-runner sew up the nomination quickly.”

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Experts: Child Transing Doesn’t Reduce Suicide

The US medical industry got a wakeup call about its affirmative-care model of medically transitioning children. In a July 14 letter to the Wall Street Journal, 21 clinicians and researchers from nine countries, including Finland’s leading expert, Riittakerttu Kaltiala, challenged Endocrine Society President Stephen Hammes’ recent claim that more than 2,000 studies clearly demonstrate that the euphemistically-called gender-affirming care for children improves well-being and reduces suicide. 

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The U.S. government joins China to target an American newspaper….

Well, well, well: President Obama, U.S. Attorney General Holder, and the Chinese communist dictatorship have teamed up to attack an American newspaper, using a little-known federal law. Coincidentally, no doubt, it’s a newspaper that doesn’t openly support any of the three (unlike, say, the Washington Post or the New York Times). Read all about it. (And … Read more

Surprise! Real U.S. national debt is $86.8 trillion.

I swear. The Wall Street Journal has better letters-to-the-editor than any other newspaper. Sometimes they educate all by themselves. For instance, here are comments on a piece about our real national debt being over $85 TRILLION, not the measly $16 trillion obediently reported by the media: From George Leef in Raleigh, North Carolina:

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I agree with this.


Notable Quote, from Daniel Henninger in today’s Wall Street Journal, “The Racializing of American Politics”:

Republicans should start growing their share of the electorate by doing a better job of…

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Our destructive government schools…

For the sake of our kids, the government schools monopoly must be ended.

…and why we desperately need competition and alternatives.

This from today’s Wall Street Journal (bless those WSJ editorial pages!) where the owner of an employment agency writes in to explain that there are “jobs going begging” because applicants lack extraordinarily basic skills that public schools have failed to inculcate.

Those “skills”? Well, it’s almost ridiculous to use that label, since they’re so fundamental to being a self-responsible, functioning adult…but here they are anyway:

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Is the GOP dead in the long run? The WSJ begs to differ.

DC statists are really scared of this guy....

I recently quoted political analyst, author, commentator, and former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, who says “In the long run, the GOP is dead.” Why? Because the GOP’s voting base of white people is shrinking, while the numbers of Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians—all of whom tend to vote Democrat—are rising. Goodbye GOP?

“No so fast,” says The Wall Street Journal.

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Public schools are government schools, government schools are monopolies, and thus…

…government schools don’t work. Did you know that 2,000 high schools in America constitute “‘dropout factories,’ where more than 40% of the freshman class fails to graduate. Most are in poor or minority zip codes wehre kids and parents have no other options. These 2,000 schools produce—if that’s the word—51% of U.S. dropouts.” How can … Read more

The Worldwide Decline of Democracy: Post-liberalism and the emergence of “Pre-liberal” democracy

And now, coming to us courtesy of "post-liberal democracy"...

From today’s Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens opines on what “post-liberal” democracy is bringing to this world. “Much of modern European democracy,” he writes, “is of a post-liberal variety. Post-liberalism seeks to replace the classical liberalism of individual liberty, limited government, property rights and democratic sovereignty with a new liberalism that favors….

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