Night Cap: Library Promotes Gender Propaganda to Toddlers

In June, one of the books on display for Pride month was a charming-looking board book titled “Being You,” for ages 2 to 5, with a bunch of happy children on the cover. If you look more closely, the subtitle “A First Conversation About Gender” exposes the sinister intentions of the author to promote radical gender ideology to toddlers.

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Experts: Child Transing Doesn’t Reduce Suicide

The US medical industry got a wakeup call about its affirmative-care model of medically transitioning children. In a July 14 letter to the Wall Street Journal, 21 clinicians and researchers from nine countries, including Finland’s leading expert, Riittakerttu Kaltiala, challenged Endocrine Society President Stephen Hammes’ recent claim that more than 2,000 studies clearly demonstrate that the euphemistically-called gender-affirming care for children improves well-being and reduces suicide. 

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ACLU Banned Books Tote Pag

How Quaint – ACLU Claims to Be for Freedom of Speech … But Won’t Prove It

I recently received an email from ACLU offering me a code to purchase items at a discount from their online store. When I visited the ACLU store, I discovered an I Read Banned Books Tote listed for sale with the description, “For nearly 100 years, we have opposed censorship in all its forms.” I thought, “how quaint” since the ACLU has switched sides on the issue of censorship.

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ACLU Lawyer Wants to Suppress Free Speech

On November 7, Abigail Shrier wrote about how activists are trying to cancel her book “Irreversible Damage.” Shrier’s book is about how girls in large numbers, suffering what has been called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), are becoming victims of social pressure to identify as boys and many are permanently damaging their bodies with testosterone and double mastectomies.

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