The American System Is Collapsing.


The American system, of “Truth, Justice and the American Way” is collapsing right before our eyes. This collapse is being expedited by those who have been put in power via a corrupted, bought and paid for electoral system and by the mass of un-elected bureaucrats that answer to no one but themselves as the politicians come and go.

While the saying “Truth, Justice and the American Way” comes from the Superman Comic series, and was never a codified legal statement, it was the ideal that the America that I grew up in, strived for and to a great extent, achieved.

Truth and justice are self-explanatory.

The idea of the “American Way” was the system put in place by the founding fathers via the Declaration of Independence & the US Constitution.

We want to thank John Cawthron for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

The American Way fostered the ideas of “Individual Rights, Personal Liberty and a Limited Government.”

It is a system that promoted and eventually guaranteed the idea that all are equal before the law. Not equal in all things, “Equal before the Law”

It is a system that stood for the principle that each citizen is guaranteed “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness.” It did not guarantee happiness, only that each individual could pursue happiness in the way that they saw fit.

The American System was founded on the principles of family and faith. It is a system tied to the Judeo-Christian belief that our rights come not from the gov’t, but from a higher power. Our creator.

That American Way has been under assault since the Vietnam era.

The so-called Patriot act furthered this assault as the gov’t was given the green light by politicians to spy on and charge everyday Americans with crimes via secret FISA courts, which in and of themselves are unconstitutional.

The American Way is now crumbling under the weight of long-standing Marxist ideology that is being passed off as the “New Way to Freedom” by much of Academia as well as the Corporate Media & Big Tech giants.

Billionaires like, Bill Gates, George Soros & Jeff Zuckerberg, now dominate the political campaign donation sphere with their immense wealth.

These so-called philanthropists, use this wealth to tilt the social and political narratives in their favor in order to further enrich themselves and shape the outcomes of our elections in a way that best suits their interests.

Ask yourself. Why is George Soros allowed to have so much influence in local DA elections? Soros sponsors DAs who are recklessly soft on crime amongst other questionable practices. Why are so many politicians willing to take his donations and do his bidding?

Why have so many members of the Jan 6th committee, accepted money from George Soros and why is the Jan 6th committee pursuing the asinine narrative that the events of Jan. 6th, 2021 were an “Insurrection”?

This bogus and illegitimate committee, which is led by Jamie Raskin (a modern-day combo of Robespierre and Lavrentiy Beria as well as a scoundrel of the first order) is wasting everyone’s time with this ongoing sham and outright lie that an insurrection took place.
Let’s be clear on this.

1,000,000+ people showed up at the Capital on Jan. 6th because they had serious doubts about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.
Many of those 1,000,000+ were current or ex-members of the military and law enforcement. If they showed up with the intent of an armed insurrection, trust me, there would have been one and the DC and local governments would have been overwhelmed.

They DID NOT go to DC for the purpose of insurrection. They went there to exercise their first amendment rights. To protest what they believed was a stolen election. Agree with them or not, they are entitled to their beliefs.

The events of that day did get out of hand and I think we all agree that anyone that entered the capital should be held accountable.
I think we can also agree, however, that keeping 600+ people locked up for 18+ months, without being charged and tried for any crime is more of a crime than the act of going into the capital building itself.

The Biden administration, via the DOJ, has in effect held 600+ people as political prisoners for the act of trespassing. This is not OK.
The “American Way” treats all as “Equal before the Law”.

The current and some former administrations have a two-tiered system of justice, where some are more equal than others.

VP Joe Biden clearly used “Quid Pro Quo” in order to have a Ukrainian prosecutor fired. He is on video saying so. He was never charged or impeached.

Donald Trump asked if the Ukrainians were going to look into corruption. The DEM & RINO impeached him over it.

The current administration is using a weaponized DOJ & FBI, via midnight FBI raids and other Stalinist tactics, to go after their political opponents and to terrorize anyone, that stands up to them or comes close to thwarting their goals.

As I write this, the DOJ, at the request of the Jan 6th committee, is sending out goon squads of heavily armed FBI agents in the middle of the night to raid and boot in the doors of anyone that they deem a threat to their hold on power.

These raids are being directed at former members of the Trump administration, lawyers that represent the GOP, and anyone that has ties to any person that was merely present at the capital on Jan. 6th.

These type of actions are typical of Banana Republics & Nazi Germany. This is not what is acceptable and is diametrically opposed to the ideals that the founders put in place. This IS NOT “The American Way.”

The treatment of James O’Keefe vs. Hunter Biden is a case in point.

Hunter Biden obtains a handgun by lying on the application form, a felony. He later disposes of that illegally obtained handgun, in a public place.

VP Joe Biden sends the secret service to retrieve the gun and Hunter is never charged with a crime.

James O’Keefe, of Project Veritas, obtains a copy of Joe Biden’s daughter’s diary. He decides not to publish the contents and offers to give it the FBI.

The FBI shows up in the deep of night, boots on his door, and confiscates all of his electronic devices.

The FBI is only supposed to investigate Federal crimes. Having a copy of a diary IS NOT a federal crime.

James O’Keefe is also a journalist, protected by the 1st amendment.

No law abiding judge should have allowed the FBI a warrant in this case, but once again the two-tiered system of justice kicks in.

The DOJ does nothing to stop ANTIFA and other domestic left-wing terrorists that have been assaulting law enforcement, burning, looting and rioting since the spring of 2020.

The Pro-abortion group “Jane’s Revenge” has firebombed buildings and scrawled threatening graffiti on houses of worship and pregnancy centers in recent days as well as threatened and picketed the houses of the conservative Supreme Court justices.

THIS IS ILLEGAL. The Biden Administration & DOJ have taken no action against these lawbreakers. In fact, they tacitly support them.

As Merrick Garland’s DOJ does nothing to combat left-wing violence and terrorism, they target so-called “White Supremacists” that they can’t name or define except to declare that the MAGA movement (their political rival) is white supremacy.

The current state of lunacy is supported by every member of the Democratic party leadership.

The dark forces that support the Academia purported Marxist lie of the “New Freedom” and those who want to destroy the American Way state loudly that America is a systemically racist, failed experiment that needs to be burned down.

This begs a sane person to ask a question.

If America is so systemically racist why have 2,000,000+ people illegally crossed the border into the USA since 2021??
Is it because they want to experience some of that “Systemic Racism?”

Or is it because the American Way is still the BEST way to pursue life, liberty & happiness.

The dark forces that want to destroy the American way would have you believe that a man can become a woman just by choosing to do so
That it’s OK for men to compete with women in sports and enter the private spaces of women.

That it’s OK to expose and sexualize children to the “LGBTQ+ XYZ” lifestyle in kindergarten & elementary school.

That it’s OK to force an untested, ineffective, dangerous, synthetic mRNA injection on you & that civil liberties can be suspended indefinitely at the whim of a Governor, Mayor, or some other un-elected so-called “Public Health” official.

Sane and rational people, don’t care what an adult person does to their own body or what consenting adults do behind closed doors, but men are not women. Women are not men. No amount of hormone therapy and surgery can change that. Men and women are biologically distinct and for good reason.

Those are the facts folks and yet we have a whole segment of society that now propagates the idea that “You can switch your sex because you feel like it. Because it’s the new “trendy thing.”

We have a new Supreme court justice that said she could not define “What a woman is because she is not a biologist.” This is lunacy and it is just what the “Anti-American Way” crowd wants.

The dark powers that be, believe, and promote the idea that exposure to sexual topics, sexual lifestyles, and the sexualization of children in schools is ok. I DISAGREE.

Exposing children to any type of sexualization or any sexual lifestyle is NEVER ok. It has NO PLACE in any school at any level, including high school.

This sexualization of children and the sexualization of education does not exist in the “American Way”. Nor should it.

Reading, writing, and arithmetic, along with civics and history is what children should be learning at school. It is not the place of any public school to promote any lifestyle or morality. That is the job of the parents alone.

Yet the dark powers behind all of this, promote this sexualization of education as the “new normal” when in fact it borders on sexual abuse at best and pedophilia at worst.

The dark powers that be are crushing the “American Way” from within by promoting craziness as sanity, madness as normality and by stomping out and canceling anyone brave enough to stand up to the lunacy that they promote.

The topic of abortion is a divisive issue and thoughts on it cover a broad spectrum.

That is a topic for another day, but killing a healthy baby as it is being or right after it is born is MURDER. Thinking otherwise is evil.
The dark powers that be, promote this infanticide as a celebration of a women’s freedom. Talk about a twisted “Un-American” ideology.

The suspension of civil liberties and personal freedom during an emergency is nowhere to be found in any state or the US Constitution and yet these same people promote the idea that this is OK.

Lockdowns and the suspension of civil liberties have NO PLACE in an “American Way” world.

In the “American Way” world, individual freedom and responsibility would be the creed of every day.

Un-elected health officials would not be able to order that everyone put on masks just so that they can feel like they are doing something.

Sadly, we live in a time where the NH DCYF removes the son of a GOP NH State Rep from his home because he gave his son Ivermectin, while the City of Nashua hands out free needles to anyone that wants one, for the purpose of injecting heroin into their body.

Ivermectin is a Nobel prize-winning, anti-parasitic, and anti-viral agent with a proven safety record.

The possession and use of heroin are illegal as it destroys the body & soul. How is this OK?

I could go on but you get the picture.

The American System is Collapsing under the weight of the ill intent and the tyrannical dreams of its’ enemies.

I am not Superman, but I am an American and I believe in the American Way.

I for one am going to head into the maelstrom in order to help stop this collapse.

To help shore up our American ideals and our “American Way” of life.

Anyone that supports the ideas of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” and of “Truth, Justice & the American Way” is welcome to join in.


John Cawthron is a GOP Candidate for State Rep. Ward 9 in Nashua, NH



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