Notable Quote – David Cole

by Skip

David Hogg 1“The bullies never go after people they can’t break, because to do so would make them look weak and impotent.”

On the outlook and actions of the Left:

But in the real world, there are times when one simply should not beg. And you’ll know those times by the character of your foe. If you’re up against the kind of monster who derives pleasure from hearing people plead for mercy, that’s when you cannot, must not, beg.

Today’s social justice leftists operate very much like that fictional serial killer. Their intended victims are people, sometimes in the public eye, sometimes average folks, who have written or said things that leftists find offensive. And if they mark you as an enemy, they will use every tool in their arsenal to destroy your life. If you have a job, they’ll try to get you fired. If you have a reputation, they’ll try to tarnish it. If you have a business venture, they’ll try to bankrupt it. If you have an online presence, they’ll try to get you banned from all platforms.

And certainly we (collectively and in some cases, individually) at the ‘Grok over the years have been subjected to this virtual “killing” simply for one and only one reason: we simply speak our minds and the Left hates it and looks for any opportunity for “a silencing”.

If you’ve been targeted for destruction by the left for a speech crime, it’s not unreasonable to think that an apology can save you. After all, you didn’t kill anyone, you didn’t actually break any laws (at least not in the U.S., where, for the moment, speech deemed hateful by the left is not a crime). Surely a crime of speech can be remedied by speech, right? If your words gave offense, then your words can make things better. Just apologize profusely, and you’ll be allowed to go on your way.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The reality is, the more you apologize, the more the left will come after you. If you show weakness, if you let them smell blood, you’re finished. The left preys on those they deem vulnerable. I wouldn’t compare social justice leftists to apex predators like lions or wolves, because lions and wolves are beautiful, dignified creatures who contribute positively to the environment. Rather, I’d compare them to the head honcho of a prison gang: a hyperviolent, disturbed semi-retarded thug ruling an irrelevant world of shit, a worthless human being of no consequence who brings only misery to those around him and who derives pleasure from taking the weak, those who surrender, those who give in, and making them his subservient “bitches.”

Apologize to a leftist for hurty words and before you know it you’ll find yourself bent over with a sock stuffed in your mouth.

That’s a lesson Fox News’ Laura Ingraham is learning as we speak.

-David Cole (in Taki’s Magazine)

Steve and I talked about this tonite for the latest GrokTALK! podcast – it should be up soon.

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