Kamala Harris

In Five Weeks Kamala Gained The Experience And Character?

Five Weeks ago, the Democrats were faced with a dilemma. Joe Biden was their candidate, but the Party was concerned about the Vice President. Kamala Harris had the worst approval rating in history and failed at every challenge Joe gave her. Kamala Harris was a liability and had to be replaced, but how? The problem … Read more

Kennedy/Shanahan Hint at Joining Trump to Defeat Kamala

The Democrats appear willing to do whatever it takes to keep RFK jr off the general election ballot, which doesn’t concern Democrats as much as it should. It makes the argument that Trump would end elections less credible than the intelligence experts who said Hunter’s Laptop was Russian Dizinformatzia. And I get that you still … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue! *** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about *** >>>>>=====<<<<< HA HA HA HA HA HA! If it’s on the enemedia, I automatically don’t believe it. If a Democrat were to tell me the sky is … Read more

Unhinged Democrats

Freedom, Joy, Give-Aways, And Free Abortions

I want to write a story about the presidential election with a positive twist, but the Democrats refuse to let me. They choose to do anything that boggles the mind and makes you question the humanity of the folks on the Left. A few months ago, the most challenging policy to square was the continuous … Read more

Confused Joe Biden - The Bull Elephant

They Ripped the Torch From Joe’s Hand

The opening night of a Presidential convention is reserved for the least important people in government. In a final blow to Joe Biden, the DNC slotted him at 10:50 PM on Monday night. The East Coast will already be sleeping, as will Joe. This disrespect is Kamala saying good night, Joe – I won’t be … Read more

Women are Taking Up the Trades

We are not against the odd human interest story (some would argue correctly that all of our stories are human interest), so this is right up our alley either way. Women. We’re huge fans. So when I tripped over this story on the internet (someone sent it to me, shhh), I was very excited. My … Read more

Democrats Talk Freedom, But For Who

We do not know precisely what the Democrat platform is for the 2024 election because, after nearly four weeks on the campaign trail, no reporter has asked Kamala Harris a question. Harris and Walz have made numerous appearances, both together and alone, and given vague, sweeping speeches off a teleprompter, but not once have they … Read more

If the Migrant Invasion is Not Displacement, What Is It?

The question of whether your government has the will or the ability (the desire) to strictly define boundaries was answered in the spring of 2020. The market test that followed framed a series of restrictions pursued in some locales with militant enthusiasm for a number of years. It did not limit itself by age, race, … Read more

Could The United States Survive A Harris Presidency

Can the US survive Kamala? The short and quick answer is NO. The United States has survived many threats in her short life, many from afar and some internal. We survived a Revolutionary War, a Civil War, two World Wars, and enemies’ attacks on both our east and west coast. We have survived depression, pandemics, … Read more

Big Brother 1984 Mask Coronavirus

Bird Flu Election Bomb

By Russ Payne – Beware of the coming Bird Flu Pandemic flying over our nation’s presidential election this fall. The Plandemic gurus of the UN/WHO/WEF and their complicit domestic partners, the NIH/DHHS/NIAID & the CDC  all have special plans to protect you from the Bird Flu. Would you believe they are already talking about another … Read more

Kamala stern pointing

Kamala’s Willie Horton?

A vast, unwashed hoard has entered the country without as much as a bureaucratic blink of an eye. Those tasked with detention, offering little more than a notice to appear after letting them go – arriving in the interior on buses or planes thanks to the Biden Administration or just making their way on their … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Monday Monday, can’t trust that day! Last week’s Friday Edition. Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons: 1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought 2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes 3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.   Now, … Read more

Kamala Harris

Comrade Kamala, Where Have You Been For 1,305 Days

Kamala Harris has been the Second Chair for Joe Biden since January 20, 2021. That is 1,305 days since she and Joe Biden put one hand on the Bible and the other on the throats of Americans. Kamala Harris has pledged unconditional support for the Joe Biden plan for America for nearly four years. After … Read more

Trump Needs A New Playbook … Fast

By Carly Atchison Bird – Since Democrats replaced President Joe Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris as their candidate, blue state voters who had once accepted the inevitable victory of former President Donald Trump have been resurrected. Harris’ selection of the most liberal governor in America, Tim Walz of Minnesota, has motivated liberals to get … Read more

gun rifle firearm

Court Blocks California’s One Gun-a-Month Law

Most of us grew up with stories about earthquakes in California. At some point, you may have heard that a big piece of it might fall into the ocean because of where the fault lines are. Fifty years later, the English Standard has not been replaced by metric. But California still has earthquakes, and not … Read more

Bananas: A.I. Endorses Harris-Walz Campaign

The Harris-Walz campaign received a significant boost this past week by becoming the first ever presidential campaign to be fully endorsed by A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).  After announcing to their constituents they were democratically hand selecting Kamala Harris as their next presidential candidate, the campaign saw a significant boost in funding from donors who had grown … Read more


There is a Drone Cartel War on Kamala’s Border

By Marc Abear – Air Force General Gregory Guillot, head of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), told the Senate Armed Service Committee that more than 1,000 times a month, drones cross the southern border from Mexico into the United States. We want to thank Marc Abear for this Contribution. Submit yours to steve@granitegrok.com “I don’t … Read more

Zuckerberg Facebook

Zuck Bucks in 2024 – Modernized Voting or Election Tampering?

One of the companies alleged to have influenced the 2020 national election using money contributed by Mark Zuckerberg (aka “Zuck Bucks”) has announced another round of grants for 2024. The Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) claims its mission is to “increase civic participation,” yet critics claim the organization is partisan and should not … Read more

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