New Hampshire is NOT ‘Defying’ The DNC and Joe Biden …

I don’t expect anyone at CBS to know how this works, but the story annoys me. It is clickbait from people in a business that pretends to know more than our knuckle-dragging morons (and their bloggers) about the NH primary and claims that “we” are defying Joe Biden. And it’s not just CBS.

Here’s that report shared at Gateway Pundit.



There are a few obvious points for the cheap seats. The DNC is a private corporation. They do not define what states can or cannot do (I know, it depends on the state). President Biden is not the head of the Republican Party, another private corporation acting (when it chooses) without regard to Uncle Joe’s opinion (or the will of voters). None of these individuals or entities has any authority to circumvent state law unless they get elected to office and change it. The law states that New Hampshire will have the first ‘Primary’ independent of which or how many political parties want candidates on that ballot.

All you have to do is pay the registration fee to be on the First in the Nation Primary ballot.

The Secretary of State is not allowed to change this. He or she must set the date seven days before the next scheduled primary. It is not something anyone can debate except in the legislature, should they desire to change it, and no one wants it changed. Not even New Hampshire Democrats.

In other words, no one is defying anyone unless you’d like to argue that Biden and the DNC have defied tradition to make their weak president look better in a primary process whose outcome they will “fix” if needed so none of it truly matters.

What is news is how amusing the process of getting from there to here has been—a few examples from our pages.



NH Dems have no choice. They can’t have their primary until March (DNC rules), but New Hampshire isn’t doing this twice, not that it would. The law is clear.

So, Biden is not on the NH primary ballot, but many other “democrats” are, as are independents and Republicans, so the local Dems are running a write-in Biden campaign. Why? Because they hate jobs, prosperity, medical freedom, open and unregulated internet, national security, low energy prices, global peace, secure borders, and economic stability. (I’ve suggested they write in Hunter Biden, but we’ll have to wait to see if that got traction.)

The results of that write-in campaign will mean nothing to the DNC until their official Democrat primary date for the Granite State, weeks later.

To summarize. No one is defying anyone.

Joe’s puppeteers deciding to start their circus tour in South Carolina is irrelevant to New Hampshire law. We were always having our primary first, and until the law changes, we always will.

There will be ballots with names on them, and citizens will be encouraged to show up and vote in defiance of tyranny (we would hope), though there is no guarantee.

That’s how this all works.


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