Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget my Survival Sunday feature.  (Note: No Survival Sunday this coming Sunday.  Time demands.)


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










Yes and no.  And it does make the pile bigger.







Media Covers Up Tracking of Unvaccinated People (

The WHO is also seeking to put food, medicine, and climate under one umbrella. This would allow it to control the global population in any number of ways, as a climate issue could be positioned as a public health issue, or a food issue, and vice versa. In other words, people could be forced to eat bugs instead of beef because it “benefits the climate.” Private vehicle use could be restricted because it helps lower vehicular pollution that endangers public health, and so on.

So, to bring us full circle back to where we started, while media are now trying to lull you to sleep with “promises” that there’s nothing nefarious about tracking the unvaccinated or “undervaccinated,” think long and hard before you close your eyes to the possibility that this is all part of biosecurity-based totalitarian control grid.

Oh, you thought it was just for Covid?  It’s all encompassing.  Every last aspect of your health – food, water, medicine, doubtless your exercise habits too.  Do not be surprised if exercise becomes not just recommended, but mandated.  And checked how?  By your implanted chip that geo-locates you at an approved gym and checks to make sure your heart rate is high for sufficient time.

Always under surveillance.  Never mind the tyranny of the power-hungry, which is bad enough.  In the mix are self-appointed moral busybodies:


Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive_ - C.S. Lewis [267x598] PInterest


who think they know better than you:





“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”


― H.L. Mencken 1918









Some are saying it’s not a Javelin per se.  That’s almost immaterial.  The fundamental point is that arms are fungible things, and that when there’s a demand by people who have money, there will be those eager to supply what is demanded.  Arms.  And, of course, drugs.  Or anything else.  *cough human trafficking and children *  On that, “back in the day” (decades ago and single), I used to go to adult cabarets and even then noted that there did seem to be a number of Slavic-accented women, as well as some out-of-place-ethic people (out of place given the cities I was in – MHO of course)… and, looking back, I have to wonder if they were trafficked in.







Pride Month may be used to INVESTIGATE churches in America?



Of course!  Every rival to their Lord Marx must be taken out, for the Lord their Marx is a jealous deity.









Note – I’ve been advised that this is a computer-generated fake, so not as bad as – obviously – this being in real life.  But you know, at first glance it’s actually troubling still.  For two reasons:

First, the obvious.  Someone, even though faked, had the idea.  Thought it good enough to execute it in what had to be hours of work.  IMHO, not being a graphic artist type, this represents days of work.  Do not doubt me on this: these people are missionaries for the LGBTQP+ crowd.

Second, as I said, on first glance it looked real.  I’ve commented repeatedly that we are approaching a time when, even if something is on video, one cannot believe one’s eyes.  What kind of a society are we creating when we can no longer take even video evidence for granted as genuine?

More from Pride Degeneracy & Perversion Month:



I have warned my son that this is “Pride Month” and to tell me if they pull any of this at school.  My daughter – at present – thinks she “may” be gay.  Which is an improvement because six months ago she was sure she was (I blame a particular private school teacher).  But she’s edging into hormone awakening puberty, and I’m hoping that sets her straight.

“Straight”.  HA!

Yes, pedophilia is being normalized – HotAir

Note, some pictures at the link that while not explicit or anything are – to a person with a conscience and a parental love of children – disturbing.

Civilization exists because we learn to harness and suppress our worst instincts, not because we give them free rein.

And more generally, because we can restrain ourselves.




Pick of the Post:



This was the winner by a whisker over the Joy Behar one above.  Which is noteworthy in that a WHITE WOMAN thinks she knows better what a BLACK MAN experiences… than an actual BLACK MAN.  Racist much, Joy?

But back to the meme here.  The Yuri Bezmenov demoralization is complete.  Show people evidence, even have people die in front of them from the Jab (as one example), and they STILL won’t see.  To quote the movie Cool Hand Luke:

You see, some men, you just can’t reach…




Revolutions Always Eat Their Own*





Palate Cleansers:



Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!  Spammity-spaaaaaam!


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!  OK, someone has waaaaaay too much time – and money – on their hands… still, this is a priceless close-out.

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