In March of 2023, I was part of a group of Republicans in Nashua Ward 7 that organized to hand out fliers promoting Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) to our local public elementary schools, Dr. Crisp and Sunset Heights. Dr. Crisp has been recognized as one of the lowest-performing five percent of all schools in the state for the second year in a row.
Catherine Sofikitis
That Racist You Are Looking for Might Be In Your Mirror
It is interesting how the democrats always turn to name-calling and labels (Racists, colonizers, white supremacists) when they can’t argue the merits of their case.
Do Nashua’s Ward 7 Democrats Have a Racism Problem?
Grokster Beth Scaer called attention to the NH Journal article about the (anti) Columbus Day bill, its recent committee hearing, and Dems’ shenanigans. She also pointed out to those not in the know that Catherine Sofikitis is her State Rep. Let’s talk about Ward 7 for a moment, shall we?
Kneeling Rep Smears Oath Keeper Opponent as White Supremacist
My state rep, Catherine Sofikitis, who proudly kneels during the playing of the national anthem at the beginning of New Hampshire House sessions recently called military veteran Jacqueline Casey, her opponent in the state rep race for Nashua Ward 7, a white supremacist.
The Hypocrisy of Your Reps Who Chose to Kneel for the Anthem
At the September 16 House session for Veto Day, six Democrat state representatives kneeled during the national anthem, according to the NH GOP.