To all those who are sending in memes, thank you! Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left. Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!
Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow. Also don’t forget my Survival Sunday feature, now in two parts: PREP edition and SITREP edition.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
And that XX = FEMALE and XY = MALE. Period.
A better question: who paid it for you? And paid for your food, water, clothing, medical care? And why are some of the hordes still vastly overweight after walking so far? More on illegal immigration:
The flow generally only goes one way – sheeple to our side. Once the cognitive dam breaks and people start listening, they keep going further down the rabbit hole. But it has to be organic. You cannot IMPOSE information into someone, they just get defensive. There has to be some kind of AHA! moment that triggers this.
I am waiting… praying… for such a moment with my Covidian (triple-Jabbed at least) wife. I don’t know what that could be because she’s so deep in the tank for her “Pfizer whore” BFF. But someday, I hope soon, someone will say something to her that makes her start to question. Not just for her sake, though she’s far down the path, but to make sure our kids stay Pureblood. (And, doubtless, if that happens she’ll be screaming mad at me because I didn’t tell her. Sigh. We almost divorced because she wouldn’t believe what I tried to tell her.)
They had Event 201, and the Covid19 hit. Now they have the Catastrophic Contagion simulation and this pops with “camel flu”. Who remembers Bill “Reduce the population with vaccines” and Melinda “I wear an inverted cross” Gates smirking at the prospect of another pandemic?
SAYING enough will not be enough. We’ve SAID enough, over and over.
I tremble at my belief that we will not vote our way out of this. We will not protest our way out of this. We will not be meek and get out of this. Alas. Now understand, I don’t want the avalanche. I fear it’s coming regardless when that magical line gets crossed.
Once more: I don’t want this. Ending my life slogging through the woods with a rifle, etc., fearing that an unseen overhead drone might see me is not how I wanted to close out my days.
Pick of the post:
But… but… but there’s no evidence of vote fraud. Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us so.
We need to wrap our minds around the fact that there are people out there who so hated “Orange Man Bad” that they were willing to raze even the illusion that we have a functioning election system.
This is an amazing display, and very well done. I showed it to my daughter and her first statement was “How much did that cost”?
Clearly, given the size of the house let alone the sound & light display, these people have serious coin and far be it from me to presume to tell them what to spend it on. But somehow this smacks of the decadence of the last days of Rome. Ostentatious displays of wealth for the sake of displaying wealth IMHO.
Rome, er, America – Granite Grok
Palate Cleansers:
As it happens I really AM a dragon, Chinese zodiac-wise. And all of the above apply to me.