MONDAY MEMES - Granite Grok


biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link.  And there will likely be a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Friday Overflow (including a post-election TINVOWOOT diatribe).

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.

Don’t miss my weekly post on survival / prepping / sitrep links on varied topics:


Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.  If you snag them to use on your blog, please do, but please give me credit and a linkback to Granite Grok.



This was my very first cartoon idea.  Available as a T-shirt!  (Please… I need more ammo & other preps!)


democula Eager to devour


My second cartoon idea.  Also available as a T-shirt!  (Again, I need more ammo!)









And from a few hundred yards away.








This is the classic example of what I mean by something that wraps truth in humor.  IMHO even most Leftists will chuckle, and in that chuckle a Thought Splinter will insert into their mind, while a straight-on attack on either man’s *cough intellect cough* would be rejected.  Similarly:









Pick of the post:


IMHO we have a tie.  Number one:



I was an atheist for over 25 years, but moving rightward during much of that time.  Most atheists are screaming libs (I was in that camp at the beginning as well).  But over time, I did move Rightward even as I remained a staunch atheist.  And I noticed that as I did, Conservatives / Libertarians were welcoming of me despite my non-belief in a deity, while those who shared my non-faith were increasingly hostile as I started to shed allegiance to all the “politically correct” causes.

Who was open-minded and tolerant?  Not the Left who preached it, but the Right who practiced it.



As with everyone on that side who passes, I’ll say what I always say:

One should only speak good of the dead.  OK.  “He’s dead?  Good.”




I am shocked, but I looked at my secondary Zazzle store and this bumper sticker is still for sale!  Get ’em while you can!



And a .223 version.




Palate Cleansers:







