Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow


To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget my Survival Sunday feature.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


Diatribe about the election and my thoughts on what I fear is the inevitable spicy time included, here and more below.  We in America are being pushed to accept Socialism.  Drip, drip, drip, pushing through culture and schools, through the enemedia, our culture has been changed by design for decades.  I can only conclude that Trump was the last chance.

No, not our last chance.  We have another option, a doomsday option – spicy time – and I do not want that.  No, Trump was the Left’s last chance: a last chance to understand that we Americans do not wish to be ruled by Socialist oligarchs.  And they spit on that last chance, MISSIONARIES that they are.  They are so blinded by their adherence to their faith, and so arrogant that despite every failure before, this time will be different.

They believe themselves to be Anointed Intellectuals.  The Elite.  From their writings, from their speeches, drips arrogance and disdain.  They are the wise ones, the smart ones, the educated ones, the ones with better vision and caring.  Don’t believe them, just ask they and they’ll tell you.  They are superior beings made from finer clay, and they WILL tell you what to do because they know better than you.



Hubris brings Nemesis.  Always.




First things first.  Happy Veterans Day.  I make it a point to thank any veteran I recognize by hat, tattoo, or insignia.  365.












In my piece dashed out on Wednesday, post the midterm, I predicted that spicy time is close – then again, I’ve been afraid of this for a while, but I do believe that it’s close-close.  From an essay I wrote a while ago, The Avalanche Has Already Started…, I stated – and maintain now:

I am an American, and do not wish for violence in this country or indeed any country, whether on a local scale, regional, or national.  I do not wish to see people hurting others, nor arson, or beatings, or any asymmetric warfare techniques to be used against anyone, Left or Right, or Hashem forbid an actual civil war.  I state, clearly, that such things are the last thing on my mind.  In other words, I just want to be left alone 

Slogging through the woods in a guerilla war that I know I’ll die in is not how I want to end my life.  But there are worse fates.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

― Winston S. Churchill

Not for me, but for my children’s freedom, will I do it…





We are besieged by advice that we must remain calm regardless of the provocations or actions of the other side.  We must be peaceful.  We can win, we just need to convince more people, just wait until 2024, this is not the hill to die on, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.  Hopeful words – for no sane person wants civil war.  No sane person wants The Switch to be thrown.



Now, again, I don’t want a civil war; I keep questing for a good solution.  I’m not slathering at the bit to go start something.  I certainly have no plans to start sniping anyone.  As I said before and will keep saying until I’m blue in the face, I do not want this.  But  look at the image above – when the VOTE side doesn’t work, in 2020 and now in 2022, increasingly I am feeling this way:



Yes, indeed, I believe open war is upon us.  Tyranny is upon us, with the DOJ loosed on concerned parents, with pro-life protestors arrested with thug tactics, with firebombings of cities and beatings of people ignored but if one whispers There are just two, male and female, one gets investigated and disappeared off social media.  And if they can disappear you from electronic life, it’s not such a large step to disappear you from real life.



They advance, and we fall back and counsel restraint.  They take over school boards, and state houses, and cheat-cheat-cheat and cheat some more in elections, and we counsel restraint.  We HOPE constantly, again and again and again, that they will be restrained… but they advance.  They riot and burn property by the multiple millions in city after city, let our country be invaded by millions and distribute them to dilute our electoral strength; they deliberately destroy the economy, inflate our currency to meaningless paper scrip, and we counsel restraint.  We protest by the hundreds of thousands, leaving the protest areas cleaner than before we arrived, but protests only work on the powerful who can be shamed at what they’ve done… and the Left is proud of their accomplishments thus far and their future intentions.  We reach across the aisle time and again, and get rebuffed as they refuse to share even a scintilla of power.  And if we do somehow gain power, they immediately moderate and ask to work together and compromise.  And we share power despite being burned time and again.


its a trap - notice j Nitzakhon cartoon


No.  The line must be drawn.  Here.  Now.  No more compromising with cancer.  No more coexisting with gangrene.  We’re nigh on the last box for sure:



Am I counseling that we go start shooting?  No.  I don’t think we’re there.  YET.  But IMHO we’re on the knife edge.  Channeling a firebrand speech (edited):

“Are hordes of FBI agents and 87,000 new IRS agents necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love? …Have Democrats any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of federal enforcement power? No, sir, they have none. These agents and their unofficial ANTIFA & BLM armies are meant for us; they can be meant for no other.”

Thus, like our ancestors in the Revolution understood, it’s close.  The Left, and not just Democrats but across the world the Globalists, mean to have us as slaves, herded by digital IDs and CBDCs, and then culled with enforced Jabs, starvation, and war.  Non-compliers to be dealt with; do not forget Larry Grathwohl’s warning:

I brought up the subject of what’s going to happen after we take over the government: we become responsible then for administrating 250 million people. And there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics, how you’re going to clothe and feed these people.

They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter revolution and they felt that this counter revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing reeducation centers in the Southwest where would take all the people who needed to be reeducated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be.

I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t reeducate that are diehard capitalists and the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill – 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”

Understand that these people are of a piece, united globally: MISSIONARIES for the Great Reset and a one-world-government Socialist Oligarchy.  No matter what comprises that utopia’s foundation:


Socialistopia - notice j


Elie Wiesel, the noted Holocaust survivor, once said “When someone tells you they want to kill you, believe them”.  What can we say about quotes like this – copied from an earlier essay of mine (italics replaced by bolding):

They have openly called for genocide against Trump supporters over political differences.  Understand that they hate anyone to the Right of Stalin:

When a bullet goes through the fatty tumor a Nazi has in the space where a human being would have a brain, nothing is lost

A pile of meat that moved and spoke and acted like a person was made to stop moving, and thus could no longer fool people into thinking it was one of them

— Arthur Chu (@arthur_affect) January 7, 2021

This is not the language of people who want peaceful coexistence, but your elimination.  They have that history, written in blood over a century.  MISSIONARIES for their cause, and that they are without question.





So please allow me the liberty of doing some thought-exercises should spicy time start.  As an example, look at this map of Texas; islands of blue in a sea of red.  Our enemies are concentrated in places that are not self-sufficient.  This brings thoughts of opportunity.  And again, I’m not advocating anyone do any of these things; and note that all of these have been out in the public domain for months – I am merely collating.  I am certainly not proposing anything new.  Our biggest weakness is our disorganization, but that too could be an asset for, if captured, we cannot betray others.



Cities rely on power.  Power can be interrupted in any of a number of ways.  Even a cluster of balloons with interconnected wires rising into power lines will trip the breakers and shut things down for a day or more.  Let alone if the towers themselves sustain damage.  Water mains and aqueducts are vulnerable too.  Hard to get your daily mocha half-caf cappuccino when there’s no power or water, let alone any of the other chaos being without power and/or water would entail.  Without power there’s no running water, no heat / air conditioning.  Gas doesn’t get pumped.  Elevators don’t run.  Sewage plants back up or overflow.  Hospitals and other agencies run out of generator fuel quickly.  And now imagine those damaged areas under guard from sniper fire from our side.  With due respect to electric linemen, nobody’s going to go repair an electrical tower when they could get ventilated from 500 yards away.  As demonstrated by the body of the first guy who tried.  Same for electrical transformer stations.

Roads and trucking are very vulnerable to a few boxes of roofing nails scattered about.  Let alone other obstacles.  Most cities are no more than three days from having no food.  Trucks need fuel; hard to refuel – or load – when at best your fuel tank has a bullet hole or two, or at worst it’s a burned-out husk from the fire that ignited from that bullet hole.  Lather, rinse, repeat at truck parking depots.



Fires in wood-frame house neighborhoods, especially on dry & windy days, would be a horrific tactic and while I would decry it happening as it would catch countless innocents in its net… but it’d be effective.  No power, no water, no food, and now no shelter.  Maybe with a blizzard closing in.  Any US forces would be rapidly faced with choosing:

  • Fight us
  • Handle the burgeoning chaos in the cities

Either way, we win.  In the first, by focusing on fighting us, the Leftist city-dwellers die en masse; or the military is distracted and thus not paying attention to us as we press attacks.  Yes, messy like nothing you’ve ever seen.

Meanwhile an Unintended Consequences-style campaign against politicians would bring more pressure, and pull more military from attacking us to defending those politicians who suddenly realize that people who practice sniping from hundreds of yards away are not people you should piss off lightly.  Remember the chaos that the DC snipers achieved… one car, one city.  Now imagine this in every city, with multiple and completely independent cars and military-trained infiltrators looking to find targets.  Speaking of snipers:


Hundreds of thousands if not millions of veterans currently own rifles strikingly similar to those they carried in the armed forces, lacking only the full-automatic selector switch. Their brothers, sisters, parents, friends, and neighbors who did not serve in the military are often just as familiar with the weapons, if not the tactics. Today the AR-pattern rifle (the semi-automatic civilian version of the familiar full-auto-capable M-16 or M-4) is the most popular model of rifle in America, with millions sold in the past decade. Virtually all of them produced in the past decade have abandoned the old M-16’s signature “carrying handle” rear iron sight for a standardized sight mounting rail, meaning that virtually every AR sold today can be easily equipped with an efficient optical sight. Firing the high-velocity 5.56×45 mm cartridge and mounted with a four-power tactical sight, a typical AR rifle can shoot two-inch groups at one hundred yards when fired from a steady bench rest. That translates to shooting eight- to ten-inch groups at four hundred yards.

Four hundred yards is a long walk. Pace it off on a straight road, and observe how tiny somebody appears at that distance. Yet a typical AR rifle, like those currently owned by millions of American citizens, can hit a man-sized target at that range very easily, given a stable firing platform and a moderate level of shooting ability.

And there are a far greater number of scoped bolt-action hunting rifles in private hands in the United States. Keep this number in mind: based on deer stamps sold, approximately twenty million Americans venture into the woods every fall armed with such rifles, fully intending to shoot and kill a two-hundred-pound mammal. Millions of these scoped bolt-action deer rifles are quite capable of hitting a man-sized target at ranges out to and even beyond a thousand yards, or nearly three-fifths of a mile. In that context, the 500-yard effective range of the average semi-auto AR-pattern rifle is not at all remarkable.



Those on the Left who think this would be fine sport watching us unwashed get whipped should recall what happened to the Washington DC socialites who turned out to see those “uncouth” Rebs get whipped at the Battle of Bull Run… and were forced to flee for their lives as those despised and derided Rebs routed the Union.  I can imagine those bullsh*t-slinging pols and their families scampering for their hides, so in some way it was not the Battle of Bull Run, but the Battle of Bullsh*t running! 🙂  I see the same arrogance today on the Left.



Also read – both for morale and encouragement, as well as thoughts:

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha | Monster Hunter Nation

There will be no secure delivery of ammo, food, and fuel, because the guys who build that, grow that, and ship that, well, you just dropped a Hellfire on his cousin Bill because he wouldn’t turn over his SKS. F*ck you. Starve. And that’s assuming they don’t still make the delivery but the gas is tainted and food is poisoned.  [Mushrooms served in restaurants to groups of police or soldiers, anyone?]

Oh wait… Poison? That would be unsportsmanlike! Really? Because your guy just brought up nuclear weapons. What? You think that you’re going to declare war on half of America, with rules of engagement that would make Genghis Khan blush, and my side would keep using Marquis of Queensbury rules?

Oh hell no.

The scariest single conversation I’ve ever heard in my life was five Special Forces guys having a fun thought exercise about how they would bring a major American city to its knees. They picked Chicago, because it was a place they’d all been. It was fascinating, and utterly terrifying. And I’ll never ever put any of it in a book, because I don’t want to give crazy people any ideas. Give it about a week and people would be eating each other (and gee whiz, take one wild guess what the political leanings of most Green Berets are?).



As I read in the book SJWs Always Lie, often times in military conflicts it’s not about weapons or tactics – though obviously they factor in.  It’s about who wants it more.  And while, yes, there are many on their side that want us dead… there are tens of millions on our side for whom these apply:




And, of course, myriad posts exist.  Including fiction:

The Feral Irishman: It was time…………….(an interesting short story)

Also see:

Belling the cat | The Zelman Partisans

Belling the Cat, Revisited | The Zelman Partisans

Once more: I am not advocating or wanting any of this.  But I fear it’s going to start regardless.  When that does – and sorry to my Southern readers – let me channel Sherman. and LeMay, as a combined strategy:


“War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.”

— William Tecumseh Sherman


“If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.”

— General Curtis Emerson LeMay


One last time: I. DO. NOT. WANT. THIS.  But, as JFK said, when you make peaceful revolution impossible (voting), you make violent revolution inevitable (the other option on the switch).  They want this because they think they’ll win; they want this because they believe they’re superior, good people.  In their arrogance, their hubris, is an opportunity to make them be wrong.  Theyve been succeeding in their LONG GAME for so long that I’d like to share a lesson I wrote down for my kids:





And we have another strength.  We understand that heaven is our home (amazing song, English subtitles).  For them, mostly atheists and agnostics, they’re terrified of death.  Use that too.

If it starts – I fear WHEN it starts – we need to win.  And win big.





Pick of the post:



I’m already seeing the circular firing squad in some groups on Telegram and some blog posts.  It was Trump’s fault.  It was the pro-lifers.  It was the these people, or those people.  Yet when you look, who did well?  People whose “conservative” had some genuine conservative in it.

3 Takeaways From DeSantis’s Win For Every Republican Governor (

The GOP’s Defensive ‘Victories’ Aren’t Going To Save The Country (

We’re getting distracted again, and our mono-block, herdbeast MISSIONARY enemies will take full advantage.




Palate Cleansers:






    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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