In a nutshell, TINVOWOOT. We’re seeing the first pebbles trickle down in the leading herald of the coming avalanche resulting in the American center falling apart:
Things Fall Apart… With A New Cartoon “Getting Ready for the Spicy” – Granite Grok
Things Fall Apart 2 – Granite Grok
As of this writing, the House is leaning Red, but that’s not cemented yet. It looks like they’ll take the Senate free and clear (having 51 votes last I heard); in Pennsylvania a man who rivals President Potato for the fewest brain cells that talk with each other “won”. That PA, and other states, were even close brings to mind this famous quote:
(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)
This, among myriad articles, captures the essence of the disbelief: with dissatisfaction so high, with all the “conventional wisdom” plus historical precedent pointing towards a Red Tsunami, the results simply cannot be believed. But then, with the American Left soooooo close to total power, it was inevitable. America is about to get it GOOD AND HARD. Forever. I cannot believe the naivete here:
Sometime after the first of the year, Biden will resign for health reasons so that Democrats can claim the first minority female president before they get trounced in 2024.
There is no conclusion but this:
I agree the Potato will be pushed out. But… trounced in 2024? TROUNCED IN 2024????? What are you smoking and where can I get some of it? Even if America survives until then – doubtful in my book – it will be a replay of 2020 and 2022 to create the United Socialist States of America.
Recall my predictions from my Meme Overflow (edited & expanded) if the Dems somehow get both the House and Senate:
1. They’ll nuke the filibuster entirely – everything will now just be pure majority vote… and they’ll have that. From Kamala Harris Proves That Freedom Is Just One Election Away From Extinction – PJ Media (paywall, but one quote – bolding added – is enough):
On NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Kamala Harris promised that if Democrats gain two more seats in the U.S. Senate, they will nuke the filibuster in order to codify the Democrats’ radical agenda.
2. HR1 and its Senate version – essentially the “Democrats win every election from now on, forever” bill – gets rammed through
3. Packing SCOTUS is assured, and I add:
DC and Puerto Rico added as States, with Dems locked into both House and Senate seats forever
4. Open borders, forever, with automatic amnesty (doubtless just in time for the 2024 *cough BS cough* election, assuming we’re not already in spicy time – adding:
I cannot stress this Great Replacement thing enough. Demographics is destiny, and the Left has been playing this game since 1965. In just two years President Potato’s open invitation has flooded America with roughly five million “new Americans”… doubtless, even with a GOP House or by some miracle that and the Senate, this flood will continue unabated. And with every fertile female doubtless, well, “engaged” to create an anchor baby pronto, that will cement their presence in America. Don’t forget the flood of refugees from Africa and the Middle East as well… doubtless handed “D” voter guides as they disembark from their planes.
Adios, America indeed.
5. Draconian gun control
6. Massive tax increases – plus Modern Monetary Theory running of the presses driving hyperinflation, as predicted by:
7. LGBTQP for any age – with transitions legalized for any age
If the left somehow manages to maintain control of the House and gain control of the Senate, we could be looking at an expanded Supreme Court that will lean left for decades to come, gun control, federal abortion on demand, and more mandates to hand our kids over to the trans activists.
Abortions not just until birth, as just passed in Michigan, but likely after birth too.
8. Jab mandates for everyone
9. Open season on outspoken conservatives with the DOJ down to the local police turning a blind eye
Spicy time approacheth, and right soon. Alas.
Prepare. And remember… LOCAL for allies. LOCAL for “personal accountability lists”. Local local local. And again, I don’t want this. I don’t want infrastructure attacks on electricity, water, roads, bridges. I don’t want to see police ambushed. I do not want 3 AM social visits to politicians / political staffers. I. Do. Not. Want. Any. Of. This.
But they’re determined to make us a one-world Socialist state. And there’s only one assured way to peace: surrender:
I need more ammo & other preps. Please buy my bumper sticker:
Or, in light of the election, this – either T-shirt or Water Bottle: