Survival Sunday


I’m back.  I can’t say everything’s perfect, but thus far there’s respite on the home front.  I don’t think I’ll be in divorce court… at least not soon.  And given what I fear is coming, and how soon, by the time the home front explodes again, everything else will too – thus, a moot point.



This post by Surak is must-read.  Especially the Jab-related stuff and what multiple labs have found in the Jab.  In general I strongly urge you to peruse him regularly.  In addition to the Grok, of course! 🙂




First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget my posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.





Registering your “peoples’ garden”.  Have you registered yours, comrade?  Related:

Register Your Gardens With The Feds?!!




Top of the fold:



Just Like In September 2008, Many Investors Fear That A Dangerous Chain Reaction Is Starting On Wall Street

Once it starts… ain’t gonna stop.  More:

It Is Going To Take “Trillions” To Fix The Massive Derivatives Crisis That Has Erupted In Europe

MASSIVE! FedEx Shares Plunge by 17% After Hours – Company Says It’s Going to Get Worse (War Room Video) (

1.3 Million Jobs Were Result of Double-Counting This Year, Heritage Economist Says

Hashem only knows where this floor will be.



Sleep well.

One thing to remember on the shipping of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard – Gun Free Zone

This is a critical point.  These people really do believe themselves to be cast from finer clay that we deplorables.  Just consider, as one example, John F*cking POS Kerry saying it’s OK for him to be flying in a private jet because he’s “fighting climate change”.

Pointing out their hypocrisy is important; but it won’t affect them.  IMHO it needs to be done to alienate the fence sitters from them.  But it won’t affect them.



And another example of hypocrisy vis a vis women – note, I’ve been to Iran (as a kid) and would love to go back someday as a tourist.  Please Hashem, let the mullahs be overthrown soon.

Iran Woman’s Death After Morals Police Arrest Sparks Protests




Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

Wouldn’t You Like to Be a Prepper Too? (Shhhh, Just Don’t Tell Anyone) – PJ Media

How Much Land Do You Need to Be Self-Sufficient? – Ask a Prepper

22 Prepper Tips From The Homeless – Ask a Prepper

Places To Avoid: Where Looters Will Strike First When SHTF (

How To Make Amish Dried Beef – Ask a Prepper

Couple Leave City, Transition To Homestead Life In The Mountains | ZeroHedge

20 Best Black Market Trading Items | Urban Survival Site

13 Items To Get Before Societal Collapse – Homestead Survival Site

3 Delicious Breads You Can Prepare in Just 10 Minutes (

How To Store Meat Without a Refrigerator (

You Need to Be Thinking NOW About Bartering – The Organic Prepper

Prepper Camp: A Review by a Preparedness Newbie (

The Safest Places To Sleep In When SHTF – Ask a Prepper

DIY Beehive in a Jar – Ask a Prepper

How To Make Kanuchi – The Survival Food Of The Cherokees – Ask a Prepper







Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?







I don’t know who needs to hear this but the new National Editor of the Washington Post is married to the chief of staff of Chris Wray, the director the FBI.

Jack Posobiec, Feb 3




Foraging: One-up articles

Foraging In Autumn: 10 Edible And Medicinal Plants You Need To Forage Before They’re Gone – Ask a Prepper

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

BIC Digs Deeper – Vox Popoli (

The entire course of human history is one of repetitive waves of would-be immortals desparing (sic) at the Law of Nature, rebelling against their Creator, and sacrificing massive quantities of innocent mortals to evil supernatural beings in inevitably futile attempts to transform themselves into gods and thereby escape death.

Everything evil that is not driven by hedonism, greed, and attention-seeking is driven by fear of death. And the more one satiated one is of the first three, the more completely one succumbs to the fourth. Tolkien knew this, he wrote about this, and that is why the evil would-be immortals of today want him to be forgotten.

Does this not, precisely, capture the Globalists now?  Obsessed with their own superior intellects, pleasure, greed – let alone echoing Sauron’s desire to dominate all life – and with their drive for trans-humanism and connecting their minds to the net, thus preserving their own intellects past the great veil?

Know your enemy.




Shortages (broadly):

Bad news for America’s farmers

The United States has been self-sufficient in food for many years.  It probably still will be, despite droughts and other challenges.  However, it won’t have anywhere near the same surplus of foods to export to other nations:  and in the light of famine and other food production challenges and bottlenecks elsewhere, that could be literally catastrophic for some nations.  It could lead to the rationing, or even non-availability, of some foods here in order to supply them to others who need them more (in the opinion of the bureaucrats responsible for such allocations).



If I worked on the railroads, I’d vote for a strike, too

That would not help things (though my understanding is there’s a tentative 11th hour agreement).  I just saw a video on Telegram about Canada and how multiple threads of the logistics tapestry are fraying.  Even if this is averted, so many logistics & supply threads are snapping IMHO it’s only a matter of time before the network starts collapsing from something or another.

A List Of 33 Things We Know About The Coming Food Shortages (

The Stage Is Being Set For A Massive Global Rice Shortage

Report: More than Half of California Rice Fields Left Barren in Drought (

Medicine shortages too:

U.S. drug shortages put people with life-threatening illness at risk –

Remember, many of these medications come from China.




“Our hearts are enfeebled by prosperity.”

– John Calvin


“Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters” 

– Victor Hugo

And once again I recommend to you Bill Whittle’s almost two hours of brilliance looking at history and culture and civilizational collapse.



And two parts – working on the third – of my own look at civilizational collapse:

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 1) – Urban Scoop

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 2) – Urban Scoop





‘We cut them off’: Christina Pushaw shares her strategy for defeating ‘legacy media activists’ (

[T]he almost exclusively liberal reporters staffing mainstream media newsrooms don’t care about fairness, accuracy or truth. All they want, she said, is to advance a liberal agenda while tamping down the voices of conservatives who dare to call them out.

“They see themselves not as journalists, not as reporters, not as investigators but as activists, as advocates, as political operatives, as gatekeepers, as arbiters of truth,” she said. “They believe they can defy reality if they stick to their talking points, censor, attack and discredit those with dissenting views.”

Once you understand that the enemedia has been fully subverted, so much makes sense.  Remember The Rules:

  1. It doesn’t matter what’s true, it’s what you can get people to believe.
  2. If you control the information flow, you control what people believe.
  3. Most people are emotional believers; convince them emotionally and facts & logic will not sway them.



Inflation (broadly):

Inflation Returns: Consumer Prices Unexpectedly Rising Again (




The EU Plans to Cap Soaring Electricity Prices

This begs the question: If feedstock material prices continue to rise, how can the governments cap the prices and still have companies stay in business?  Or will governments run the presses to cover the gap?  IMHO a death spiral cannot be avoided.



US Stability (broad catch-all):




True dat


(Pic from the link)


I don’t think it’s months.  Without electricity there’s no running water, no refrigeration, no fuel pumping.  Give any large city a week – just a week – without power and they’ll turn on each other like rats in a flood.  And a quote from the above link (formatting and link in original; italics in the original are now underlined instead):

The veneer of civilization is very, very thin right now, particularly after all the stresses and strains of the past few years.  If this goes on, it’ll develop tears, gaps and holes so large that in large parts of our country, it’ll effectively cease to exist.  In parts of Europe like the worst of the banlieues of France, and in a number of large American inner-city ghettoes, that’s already happened.

And yet, when I point this out to people, there’s always some version of “but that’s not possible”… so give me Independence Hall 1976:

In 1776 brave men pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for the sake of freedom.  Give me men and women of that character, that caliber – willing to take a stand, to fight whether by words or more.

Give me men – and women – like these.  People who believe in LIBERTY, in FREEDOM, and the Constitution.  The Declaration is the WHY, the Constitution is the HOW… and they, plus a solid Judeo-Christian foundation in society are enough.







Lynching approved in special circumstances

They’ll do this multi-on-one with the lights on and phones connected.  Imagine what they’ll do when the power’s been out for a week.  Related:

HORRIFIC INCIDENT: Defenseless Student Brutally Beaten By a Teenager at a High School – Assailant Arrested – It Was Not His First Arrest – Repeat Offender (VIDEO) (

Are You Ready For Societal Winter? – American Partisan

Violence In California Reaches “Epidemic” Levels As Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us

Violent Crime Is a Collapse Indicator – The Organic Prepper

CDC Director Admits Agency Gave False Information On Covid Vaccine Safety – Geller Report

And then they wonder why trust in government is lower than pond scum.  Related:

The head of the CDC’s outside committee on vaccine safety does not want to see the safety data collected by the Israeli Ministry of Health (

Or trust the medical system:

Video: Hospital Runs Myocarditis in Kids Awareness Commercial as if it’s a Common Illness

Hundreds of Doctors Declare Medical Crisis From Vaccine

Oxford Study: Vaccines Cause Myocarditis Deaths – Geller Report

Can’t trust government.  Can’t trust police.  Can’t trust doctors.  This is not a functioning & healthy society.

Yes, Biden Is Hiding His Plan To Rig The 2022 Midterm Elections (


Election Interference: DOJ/FBI Carpet-Bombed Subpoenas An Attempt To Freeze Political Opposition In Runup To Midterms (

Biden Reportedly Pressuring FBI to ‘Cook Up’ White Supremacy Cases (

 And  don’t rule out false flag events to shift sentiments, or used as an excuse to “temporarily” defer the election entirely.  Can we spell “Reichstag fire”?

Military Is Being Weaponized

Against us.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

The scale of Europe’s industrial nightmare is mind-boggling

RTWT, and shudder.  Keep in mind:






I have been told, by someone who served in this unit, that they are the “sledgehammer” and that – in their opinion – this deployment means that war is inevitable.  They also thought that a “good” strategy would be to open a second front against Russia through the Scandinavian countries.  Which this would facilitate.  Hashem help us – they want to kill us all.  But then, we knew that.

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok

“Wars and rumors of wars … nation will rise against nation”

I know I’m a broken record on this, but… the world is stacked with piles of dry tinder.  They’re all connected, and people are out there playing with matches.  Related:

Kim Dotcom on Twitter: “Impressive. Ukrainian troops speak fluent English with an American accent.” / Twitter

Over The Past Week We Have Gotten Several Steps Closer To A Nuclear War With Russia

Fall Like A Thunderbolt – by William Schryver (

Medvedev issues apocalyptic warning to West over Ukraine — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Germany Doubles Down

At this point, I’d be surprised if the Russians don’t start hitting targets outside of Ukrainian territory before the end of the year. The neocons wanted this war and I expect they’re going to get it good and hard. It’s not as if Putin and his generals don’t know who has been pushing for this since before 2008.

Apocalypse Later?

The West still does not understand that this conflict is an existential war for Russia. The Crimea, the Donbass and elsewhere in Eastern Ukraine are integral parts of Russia. They will never be given up, just as the USA would not give up California, Virginia or Florida. And it will not allow anywhere in the Ukraine to be a military, nuclear or bioweapons threat to Russia, just because members of the violently-installed US-regime in Kiev have been paid to agree to that. Would the US allow it in Canada or Mexico? Russia is not going to give up just because of some NATO mercenaries and NATO arms. If the West tries to wipe Russia off the face of the Earth, Russia will do the same to the West. And it has supporters all over the world. Wait till China takes back Taiwan, as it is preparing to do.

IMHO if this escalates much more, China will move on Taiwan.  Without any doubt.




HT Peter Grant:

Nothing creates poverty.  Poverty is the beginning state.  It takes zero effort to be poor.  It does take a lot of work not to be poor.


If the State makes it easy to be poor, with no negative consequences for not working, the rest of that society will gradually go the same way.  Eventually, there’ll be a minority of hard workers supporting a majority of non-workers . . . until the hard workers realize they’re carrying the load for everybody, and refuse to carry it any longer.


I.e., the plotline of Atlas Shrugged.  It’s a good book, with some excellent concepts, though IMHO she got paid by the word.  Brevity, woman.




Specific to energy:

An Ice Age Descends on German Industry

In the last few months energy costs in Germany have increased by more than an order of magnitude, and are expected to rise further. The devastating effects on German industry can no longer be glossed over, and many enterprises are closing plants, laying off workers, and contemplating bankruptcy.

From the same site:

From a Corona Dictatorship to a Heating Dictatorship

It seems that not only will Europeans be shivering in the coming winter, they will also be slapped with fines by the state if they fail to shiver sufficiently.

EU promises ‘emergency intervention’ to rein in energy prices – POLITICO

As stated above… subsidies?  With what money?  Oh, the money from the presses you’ll have to run 24/7?

The First German District Blackout Simulation: 400 Dead in 96 Hours

I remember reading a post a few years ago that it took about 3-4 days for the two-legged predators to really come out in a blackout.  Longer than that, things get very messy.  And don’t forget: most cities have three days of food on hand, in markets.  That’ll get looted pretty quick.

Sen. Warren Admits Inflation Reduction Act Won’t Bring Down Energy Prices For A Long Time




Gardening, animals, etc.:







Looks like some good stuff on this channel!

Rainwater Harvesting. Cisterns should be placed below the frost depth. (

What Happens If You Bury Fish Heads Under Your Tomato Crops (

I imagine this works for many plants.  OTOH, the smell will attract critters who will want to dig up your plants to get to them.

10 Vegetables That You Can Stockpile Without Refrigeration For A Full Year – Ask a Prepper

Things to consider planting.


Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables





Big Tech in general:

Ireland Embraces the Great Reset, Using ‘Sneaky Tactics’ to Push Cashless Society | FrontpageMag

In the name of “convenience” and “fighting crime”.

Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election (

It’s not Fascism when private enterprise does it… oh, wait…





Cyber-risk from Internet of Things prompts new EU rules (

Look, if people WANT a “connected” fridge, more power to them.  It’s when there’s no alternative and I HAVE TO buy one that it’s a problem.



Self-defense & Hunting:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Updating and revising our approach to self-defense, Part 1

Bayou Renaissance Man: Updating and revising our approach to self-defense, Part 2

Updating and revising our approach to self-defense, Part 3

All worth reading!

Miguel’s Hit and Run: “Assault Weapons” Ban in NYC is a total success.



OK, slightly cheesecake.  Still, the message is clear.




But… most gun stores, even in person, keep records of ammo purchases.  Not all, but most.

Ammo Storage Tips Every Prepper Should Know – Ask a Prepper

From my local gun store: in general, if the primer looks to be in good shape, they’d try it.

How to Fortify Your Home Against an SHTF Event – Mind4Survival



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Vern’s Stories: A book I got at a yard sale many years ago. Just found it again. (

The book mentioned is from 2005.  Also read The Hot Zone, and remember, anywhere in the world is no more than 24 hours away with air travel.  On Ebola specifically:

Raconteur Report: Do The Math, 2019 version

Bayou Renaissance Man: Ebola, rampaging superstition, and a complete ignorance of fact




Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:



I remember reading Thomas Sowell’s incredible work Vision of the Anointed and also Intellectuals and Society, and they both are captured in Asimov’s statement, above.  It this arrogance, this hubris, to think that they – the uber-elite – are more qualified to run your life than you.  And since most are liberals, they are ruthlessly libidinous about that possibility.

Lisa Simpson Disease Plagues Scientists – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Consider this, using “theragrippers” on PCR tests to administer the Covid Jab without informed consent or even your knowing about it.  This is the arrogance – the HUBRIS – of the Elites writ large.  Nemesis follows.  Alas for the children whose parents had good intentions.  And their posterity.









Palate cleanser:



Yeah, I’ve been on roads almost like that.  And an extra bonus:



Hey kids!  Halloween road trip!








    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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