This Can Not Be Allowed to Continue

Been reading that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has been recalibrating the COVID death counts. Apparently, there were considerable overestimations.

If so I would not be surprised at often the officials were asked how many died with covid as opposed to from covid?

Those questions were never answered and given how intense the administration was pushing the “vaccine” shots and the huge money involved didn’t seem there was much incentive to do so.

This could explain why currently reported drops in the death from Covid counts by “tens of thousands” it is claimed, are quietly being released.

I’m not about to give our current Administration any brake on this as it has studiously avoided straight talk to the American people.

Remember “the border is under control” while over two million illegals, many criminals, none seeking to do America any good waltzed across? This was a bald-faced lie and said with straight faces while creating huge rises in crime and drug deaths.

Penn State swimmer “Lie” Thomas recently won the “women’s” 200-meter event setting another record in women’s swimming. Thomas though comes fully equipped with testicles and a penis but “identifies” as a female.

Call this a fantasy or lie, either way, it makes Fed law “Title 9” designed to give women equal access to WOMEN’S sports a mockery.

Doesn’t this also point out the absurd concept of the “Trans” movement being promoted by the WOKE left? And doesn’t it contradict the lefts pro women’s agendas? One thing about the Left is it’s never consistent with its beliefs and agendas. It will give credence to anyone or thing that will garner votes and campaign contributions even if they sell their souls in the process.

Recently propagandist Mike Luckovich had a cartoon published in the Laconia Daily Sun blaming “Big Oil” for the shortages and high costs of oil. Now can anyone not see the absurdity of such a position? We were energy independent under the Trump Administration, prices were low and stable, jobs plentiful. Then Biden cut our production, catering to environmentalists, and the moment he did oil prices began to rise because like anything that becomes less abundant its price rises.

That goes for anything from peanuts to gold. We lost jobs, lost stability, gave the dictator Putin the ability to invade Ukraine, and made America less safe.

Let us not forget the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan which Biden tried to blame on Trump saying he followed Trump’s plan, a total lie. We left hundreds of American citizens behind and ten’s of thousands of our Afghan allies and their families who are being hunted and killed by the Taliban.

This was not only a disaster it was criminal neglect perhaps even aiding and abetting crimes against humanity and this can be placed no place except right at Biden’s feet.

Hoping all Americans are seeing just what the extreme left has done to us and the world? Nothing will change, it will only get worse unless voters remove these extremists from positions of power. We must start in November this year and continue in 2024.

Without any doubt, the leftist Democrats have proven they are incapable of managing anything more complex than a political rally. Blood is on the left’s hands from everything from state, national or foreign policies. This can not be allowed to continue.

Let’s go Brandon!

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