Questions of judgment - Granite Grok

Questions of judgment

Progressive Couple Facehuggers Babylon Bee

Well Putin has done it: invaded Ukraine while our “brilliant” President Biden mumbles some incoherent babblings meaning nothing while Ukrainians die. Another century, another totalitarian despot brings war, death and suffering just as despots have always done. You would think we would learn but then I remember liberals are soooo much smarter, more moral, and more ethical than the rest of us. Sure they are! They took over education and removed the history of despots and replaced it with “social justice, transgender, critical race theory and how America is a racist nation”. All lies.

They dominate the media, condemn all those “wrong” thinking conservative radicals who want Government to follow the Constitution and Laws as written. How old school, how out of touch.

A full year of Progressive, liberal leadership and control and I can rightly see we have no leadership or control, not even over our own lives and Rights. Our economy is in shambles, our border invaded by millions, our schools are indoctrinating not educating, concerned parents are “terrorists”, elected Progressives are dictators making up laws and issuing judgements without due process, and that is only scratching the surface. Not one, not even one of the government mandates have been successful. Crimes of all description have risen dramatically all across the nation and now the world is facing reckless despots in Europe and Asia. How history repeats itself when we fail to teach and learn.

These are the judgements and practices brought to us by the Progressive “we are the moral high ground” liberals which brings up, in my mind, the saying “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”. Now, we see exactly how and why. Do not expect anything to get better, not with those now in control of our Government (concerned only with their wealth and Power over all the rest of us). Corruption is only matched with incompetency and we have seen that, too, in abundance as they undo every good bit of sense, good business policy and practice that President Trump created. Meanwhile, the Progressive Left excused/supported BLM/Antifa “mostly peaceful” rioting, looting, burning, assaulting, murdering and anti-police and law rhetoric in Democrat controlled city after city. Then instituted all the crazy, impractical, doomed-to-fail schemes they could dream of.

Have you seen enough failure yet, Mr. & Ms. America? Is the World better now than with President Trump in charge? Are your lives safer and better? How are you going to vote in November?

Just a question of judgement?
