Action Alert: Six Republican Reps Conspire to Make Abortion Legal Until Birth in NH

Cornerstone Action sent out an action alert this weekend about HB1609, a Republican-sponsored bill that would return New Hampshire to being a state that allows abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason.

Tuesday, January 18th, at 9:50 am: HB 1609-FN will have a hearing before the House Health and Human Services Committee. HB 1609, incredibly sponsored by six Republicans, is especially insidious as it leaves a shell of the [Fetal Life Protection Act] while stripping out the ultrasound requirement, the only objective measure of gestational age. The resulting unenforceable law would be worse than nothing. HB 1609 also inserts additional exceptions, but these are little more than a distraction when compared with the devastating removal of the ultrasound provision.

The Fetal Life Protection Act went into effect in New Hampshire on January 1 and restricts abortion after 24 weeks gestation. HB1609 was written with the purpose of gutting the Act.

HB1609 is co-sponsored by these six Republicans with no Democrats co-sponsors:

What possessed them to go out onto a limb to return New Hampshire to being an abortion-free-for-all state? Please ask them. A lot of us would like to know.

Please contact the House Health and Human Services Committee and ask them to vote Inexpedient to Legislate on HB1609. Please include your full name and address in your email.

There is an opportunity to testify against the bill at the public hearing on Tuesday, January 18th, at 9:50 am in front of the HHS committee in the Legislative Office Building.

Please sign-in in opposition to the bill at the NH House Committees remote sign-in sheet.

  • Select January 18
  • Select the House Health Human Services and Elderly Affairs committee
  • Select HB1609
  • Make a selection from the “I am” dropdown
  • Choose “I Oppose this Bill”
  • Click Continue
  • Fill in your personal information and click Continue
  • Click the checkbox and click Continue

Learn more about the bill and the bill’s sponsors at


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